When Cancer Comes Your Way
Cancer is a disease that affects the body, mind, and spirit, according to the authors of a book that details their experiences through the use of two journals--one of the patient and the other of the caregiver.Useful tips about fighting cancer--and coping with medical concerns are here--but the focus of this dual-journal account is spiritual, with emphasis on maintaining hope, faith, and even, if possible, a sense of humor when things seem their worst.Tears are here--as Daisy, the couple's feisty yellow lab, makes only part of the journey and succumbs to her own medical crisis--but the book is a practical, frank description of what helps and what hurts when cancer comes.Scriptural quotes are well-chosen and the caregiver, Beverley, makes very practical points that will help others endure similar problems. Her husband, Howard, describes, with a wry sense of humor, his own particular approach to this devastating disease (in his case, lymphoma) and his relationships with other cancer patients.But it is the striking description of "the dark night of the soul," a time when God seemingly withdraws Himself--a time of testing the believer--that makes this book unique.