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Window Into My Soul
Window Into My Soul
Betty Divers is my name, And writing poetry is no game. God sends the words He wants me to say, I'll either cry or shout hoo-ray. My life is getting short , you see, So I write the words He sends to me. He has given me 77 years His will to do, I want to pass His Love to you.
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I Pour Out My Soul
I Pour Out My Soul
Lord, take my books and use them for Your glory, Each one might tell a different story. I write the things You put into my heart, And hope it will help someone get a new start. Bless each of these poems in a special way, That others might hear what You have to say. I tell of things that I feel inside, And I want to share my feelings far and wide. Keep sending the thoughts to me here below, And I will keep telling about the gifts You bestow. How Christ came down from above to show us the way, To be with Him in heaven some glorious day.
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My Soul Longs for Thee
My Soul Longs for Thee
Lord, take my books and use them for Your glory, Each one might tell a different story. I write the things You put into my heart, And hope it will help someone get a new start. Bless each of these poems in a special way, That others might hear what You have to say. I tell of things that I feel inside, And I want to share my feelings far and wide. Keep sending the thoughts to me here below, And I will keep telling about the gifts You bestow. How Christ came down from above to show us the way, To be with Him in heaven some glorious day.
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Window into My Soul
Window into My Soul
Betty Divers is my name, And writing poetry is no game. God sends the words He wants me to say, I'll either cry or shout hoo-ray. My life is getting short , you see, So I write the words He sends to me. He has given me 77 years His will to do, I want to pass His Love to you.
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Cruces of Beowulf
Cruces of Beowulf
My essay is the result of an attempt to re-examine certain cruces of Beowulf, some textual, some interpretative, some both, under the now widely accepted belief that Tolkien and Miss Whitelock are correct in their assertions that the poem is a meaningful work of art and that it was addressed to a Christian audience by a Christian poet. - Introduction.
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The Poets, Isabella Whitney, Anne Dowriche, Elizabeth Melville [Colville], Aemilia Lanyer, Rachel Speght, Diane Primrose and Anne, Mary and Penelope Grey
The Poets, Isabella Whitney, Anne Dowriche, Elizabeth Melville [Colville], Aemilia Lanyer, Rachel Speght, Diane Primrose and Anne, Mary and Penelope Grey
Isabella Whitney is the earliest Englishwoman known to have written original secular poetry in English for publication. The Copy of a Letter contains four poems written in the personae of persons jilted in love. The only known copy of this volume is held at the Bodleian Library and is reproduced here. Whitney’s second collection A Sweet Nosgay contains poetry in traditional stanzas and in prose format. Reproduced here is the unique copy held at the British Library. The French Historie by Anne Dowriche takes as its subject three events from the religious wars in France: the affair of the Rue St Jacques (1557); the Martyrdom of Annas Burgeus (1559) and the St Bartholomew’s Massacre (1572). Her work takes as its source Thomas Tymme’s The Three Partes of Commentaries, Containing the whole and perfect discourse of the Civill warres in Fraunce (1574). We reproduce here the fine copy of The French Historie held at the Huntington Library and also append two short poems thought to be hers. Ane Godlie Dreame, Compylit in Scottish Meter is Elizabeth Melville’s first person account of a pilgrim who is guided through the afterworld. While many of the variations in the different editions are merely accidental, there are some substantial changes. As an aid to bibliographic study of the poem therefore, copies of the following four editions are reproduced here: 1603 National Library of Scotland; 1604 National Library of Scotland; 1606 Huntington Library; 1620 British Library. Aemilia Lanyer was the first woman writing in English to produce a substantial volume of poetry designed to be printed and to attract patrongage. The Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum was published in 1611 and contains a series of poems to individual patrons, two short prose dedications, a title poem on Christ’s passion and the first country house poem printed in English. The volume is arguably the first genuinely feminist publication in England: all its dedicatees are women and the poem on the passion argu
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Tour Guiding Research
Tour Guiding Research
This book provides an authoritative, state-of-the-art review of tour guiding scholarship and research. It aims to foster best practice and to stimulate further study and research on tour guiding across a range of disciplines. The book is well-illustrated and its accessible style with chapter summaries makes it ideal for students as well as researchers.
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Nerve Membranes
Nerve Membranes
Nerve Membranes: A Study of the Biological and Chemical Aspects of Neuron–Glia Relationships presents the various aspects of neuronal and glial structure and function. This book provides an interdisciplinary approach to the analysis of neuron–glia relationships and of membranes in the nervous system. Comprised of seven chapters, this book begins with an overview of the function of the biological membranes to improve, retard, and regulate the rate of cellular reactions. This text then determines the differences in the organization of the cells in the nervous system in the vertebrates and the invertebrates. Other chapters examine the role of certain intermolecular forces and of water in the organization of lipid–protein and lipid–lipid associations. This book reviews as well the theories of biological membrane structure and considers how these contribute towards understanding the methods by which membranes perform their role. This book is a valuable resource for neuroscientists, neurochemists, and researchers.
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Strengthening the DSM
Strengthening the DSM
“In this revised edition of Strengthening the DSM, the authors use a comprehensive yet easy-to-grasp formulation of diversity and resilience to establish the most accurate diagnostic criteria for each psychiatric condition. Their readers will be edified by the clarity with which they describe the major changes that were introduced with the publication of the DSM-5. This is a very helpful adjunct text for mental health practitioners of all disciplines.” —Hani Raoul Khouzam, MD, MPH, Health Sciences Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, UCSF Fresno Praise for the First Edition: “Garcia and Petrovich… provide a balanced overview of the strengths and weaknesses of the DSM, a comprehensive review of the nature, etiology, and treatment of major mental disorders, and most importantly, a perspective based on solid scholarship that makes clear how much we are missing by only looking at signs and symptoms in the diagnostic process. Their arguments leave no doubt that paying attention to cultural and resiliency factors can open up critical new pathways for understanding and help.” —Sharon Berlin, PhD, Helen Ross Professor Emerita, School of Social Service Administration, University of Chicago Mental health practitioners have long recognized the failure of the DSM to address important sources of strength and resiliency that can significantly affect diagnosis and treatment, a deficit that has become more pronounced with the DSM-5’s elimination of the multiaxial format. The second edition of Strengthening the DSM® presents a new conceptual framework—the Diversity/Resiliency Formulation— that encompasses the whole person in order to promote effective diagnosis and treatment. It considers patient strengths, sources of resilience, support, and cultural identity that are essential to the accurate understanding of an individual, and demonstrates how mental health practitioners can draw upon these resources during treatment. The second edition also addresses significant changes resulting from implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and features a completely new chapter on trauma and stressor-related disorders. Key Features: Reflects major changes in the DSM-5 and the implementation of the ACA Presents contrasting clinical vignettes illustrating diagnosis with and without the Diversity/Resiliency Formation Features a new chapter on trauma and stressor-related disorders Includes discussion questions and activities for clinicians and students
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