A 6 week inductive study on the book of Romans.So often as Christians we find ourselves off balance in our approach to Bible study. Some love the Lord with all of their heart and only a little of their mind. Ultimately treating God as a quick pick me up. Others approach the Word with all of their mind and very little of their heart. Looking at the Bible as a purely academic pursuit and rejecting the fact that it is the divinely inspired, "living and active" (Hebrews 4:12) Word of God. While you may not resonate with either of these extremes, it's likely that you tend to lean towards either the heart or the mind. We wrote this study with the goal of striking a balance between these two tendencies. So that as you pursue the Lord with your mind, it would overflow into a deep love for Him in your heart and soul. As we work our way through the book of Romans we will be using the inductive method of Bible study. Inductive study is a way to collect information and draw conclusions based solely on what you observe. Many of us approach the Bible quickly, scanning it for any little nugget of truth we can rush to apply immediately to our circumstance. Utilizing the inductive Bible study method will cause you to slow down, and take in what the passage is actually saying. For a Bible study on the book of Romans, this guide is shorter than most. Our desire in this is that you would be able to approach this amazingly dense book with less trepidation. We believe that studying and knowing Romans is foundational to every believer's walk. It is our hope that over the next six weeks you will gain a broad understanding of the complete letter to the Roman church and in so doing, a deeper understanding of the gospel and church doctrine.