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Progress towards monitoring of microlitter in Scandinavian marine environments:
Progress towards monitoring of microlitter in Scandinavian marine environments:
Microlitter consists of minute particles of anthropogenic or processed natural material. The project brings together research groups to conduct specific case studies in gradients from near urban sources such as the traffic environment and cities to the coastal water and sediments in order to study the relative occurrence of specific sources and their environmental dispersion and distribution. The conclusion were first that in sediments from the road environment (tunnel runoff water), tire particles, asphalt and road markings could be identified, and in the urban creek sediments many black particles including elastomers, charcoal-like and oil and soot where in high abundance and decreased rapidly out in the recipient. The results emphasize the role of the cities as hotspot source functions for microlitter in the coastal environment and also where mitigating measures could be directed.
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Maximizing output from non-target screening
Maximizing output from non-target screening
Available online: The purpose of this project is to dig deeper into the data material already generated in the Suspect screening in Nordic countries: Point sources in city areas (TemaNord: 2017:561) to further optimize the benefits of the major work that has already been done. Samples (effluent, sediment, and biota) from all of the Nordic countries were carefully selected, sampled and analysed by a consortium of some of the Nordic region’s most experienced scientific groups in analyses of emerging environmental contaminants. But where perhaps the full potential of the generated data is still to be realized. This project will try to further identify and describe the substances already detected, to be able to better understand what substances we in modern Nordic societies release into the sea via our wastewater.
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Suspect screening in Nordic countries
Suspect screening in Nordic countries
This report describes the results of a suspect screening study in samples from city areas in the Nordic countries. In contrast to target analysis, suspect screening starts with a general sample preparation and identification including as much compounds as possible. The resulting list of recorded compounds will be identified by comparison with a list of suspected compounds. Suspect screening has shown to be very useful for identification of emerging environmental pollutants. It was possible to identify: Perfluorinated compounds (PFC), chlorinated and brominated compounds, flame retardants, bisphenols, polycyclic aromatic compounds (PAC), industrial additives, and pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCP). This study was jointly performed by NILU, NIVA, and Umeå University on behalf of the Nordic Council of Ministers. The study was supervised by the Nordic screening group.
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Machinist en wereldverbeteraar
Machinist en wereldverbeteraar
Arbeiders hadden in de negentiende eeuw weinig mogelijkheden om zichzelf intellectueel te ontwikkelen. Ook machinist Bram Lansen (1847-1931) moest hard en lang werken om zijn gezin te onderhouden. Maar hij wilde meer. Hij las veel, bezocht lezingen, zocht intensief naar de betekenis van het leven en filosofeerde over de ideale samenleving. Nadat hij zich had los gemaakt van het protestantse geloof vond hij nieuwe inspiratie in de vrijmetselarij. De ideeën die hij daar opdeed, leidden hem rond 1878 tot het socialisme. Uiteindelijk kwam hij terecht in de vrijdenkersbeweging. Bram Lansen is ook een van de weinig arbeiders van wie geschriften zijn overgeleverd. Zijn visie op de maatschappij en zijn pleidooien voor de bevrijding van de mensheid legde hij vast in vele opstellen en gedichten. Ze vormen de basis voor de biografie van deze zeer opmerkelijke en onafhankelijke arbeider uit de negentiende eeuw.
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Guilds, Labour and the Urban Body Politic
Guilds, Labour and the Urban Body Politic
This book presents a new view on the relation between labour and community through a focus on craft guilds. In the Southern Netherlands, occupational guilds were both powerful and governed by manufacturing masters, enabling the latter to imprint their mark upon urban society in an economic, socio-cultural and political way. While the urban community was deeply indebted to a corporative spirit and guild ethic originating in medieval Germanic and Christian traditions, guild-based artisans succeeded in being accepted as genuine political (and, hence, rational) actors – their political identity and agency being based upon their skills and trustworthiness. In the long run, this corporative spirit and power inexorably waned. Yet this book shows that an adequate understanding of the development of European modernity – i.e., proletarianisation and the emergence of a modern economy and modern economic and political thinking – requires taking seriously the ruins upon which it is build. These histories can actually be recounted as purifications of sorts, in which the economic was separated from the political, the individual from the social, and the transcendent from the material. While the religiously inspired corporative nature of the urban body politic waned, the urban artisans lost their credibility as political (and rational) actors.
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Patronen van patronage in het zeventiende-eeuwse Antwerpen
Patronen van patronage in het zeventiende-eeuwse Antwerpen
This title can be previewed in Google Books -'vid=ISBN9789052602479.
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Anton Heyboer was niet altijd de `man met de vijf vrouwen uit Den Ilp. Voordat hij met vrouwen en dieren neerstreek in een zelfgebouwd fort in een drassig dorpje boven Amsterdam, leidde hij een veelbewogen leven dat onder meer langs Nederlands-Indië, Curaçao, een Duits werkkamp en het psychiatrische ziekenhuis van Santpoort voerde. Het waren jaren waarin Heyboer worstelde met zichzelf, zijn ouders en met vrienden, onder wie Godfried Bomans, Harry Mulisch en een `grijze figuur op de achtergrond , de jonge Haarlemse schilder Josef Santen. Heyboer vocht voor erkenning van zijn etsen, waarin mensen de donkere ziel van de maker dachten te zien. Hij bouwde een levensomvattend `systeem dat niemand begreep. Hij trouwde drie keer en kreeg twee kinderen. Het leven van Heyboer was `complex en serieus en wanhopig, zoals zijn tweede echtgenote zei. Zijn erfenis was onderwerp van strijd tussen kinderen en weduwen en zijn artistieke nalatenschap wordt betwist door kunstkenners sinds er na zijn dood een grote verzameling met onbekend vroeg werk tevoorschijn kwam. Deze controverse is typerend voor Heyboer, wiens leven draaide om echt en onecht en zich afspeelde in het grote grijze gebied er tussenin.
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Sustainability Science
Sustainability Science
Thoroughly updated, integrated, transdisciplinary approach to sustainable development for advanced students, researchers, and policymakers.
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Sustainability Science
Sustainability Science
The fully updated second edition of this innovative textbook provides a system analysis approach to sustainability for advanced undergraduate and graduate students. To an extent unparalleled in other textbooks, the latest scientific data and insights are integrated into a broad and deep transdisciplinary framework. Readers are encouraged to explore and engage with sustainability issues through the lenses of a cultural and methodological pluralism which promotes dialogue and alliances in the search for a (more) sustainable future. Ideal for students and their teachers in sustainable development, environmental science and policy, ecology, conservation, natural resources and geopolitics, the book will also appeal to interested citizens, activists, and policymakers, exposing them to the variety of perspectives on sustainability issues. Review questions and exercises provide the opportunity for consolidation and reflection. Online resources include appendices with more advanced mathematical material, model answers, and a wealth of recommended additional sources.
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Progress towards monitoring of microlitter in Scandinavian marine environments:
Progress towards monitoring of microlitter in Scandinavian marine environments:
Microlitter consists of minute particles of anthropogenic or processed natural material. The project brings together research groups to conduct specific case studies in gradients from near urban sources such as the traffic environment and cities to the coastal water and sediments in order to study the relative occurrence of specific sources and their environmental dispersion and distribution. The conclusion were first that in sediments from the road environment (tunnel runoff water), tire particles, asphalt and road markings could be identified, and in the urban creek sediments many black particles including elastomers, charcoal-like and oil and soot where in high abundance and decreased rapidly out in the recipient. The results emphasize the role of the cities as hotspot source functions for microlitter in the coastal environment and also where mitigating measures could be directed.
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