Mapping New Terrain in Queer Religious Scholarship
"Mapping New Terrain in Queer Religious Scholarship builds upon the work and legacy of Professor John Boswell, bringing together contributions that were delivered at the annual CLGS Boswell Lecture Series at Pacific School of Religion, USA. Boswell is lauded as a major scholar in gender and sexuality studies and is recognized as an early advocate for the full inclusion of LGBTQ people in faith communities. Drawing inspiration from Boswell's ground-breaking book Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality (1980), the chapters address a variety of relevant topics in theology, scripture, queer studies, ethics, and social justice. Boswell's legacy of scholarly excellence and his prophetic activism continue to live on in the writings of these noted academics, religious leaders, and activists. The book will be of particular interest to scholars working in the fields of gender and sexuality studies, religious studies, and the history of Christianity"--