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Aiding Decisions with Multiple Criteria
Aiding Decisions with Multiple Criteria
Aiding Decisions With Multiple Criteria: Essays in Honor of Bernard Roy is organized around two broad themes: Graph Theory with path-breaking contributions on the theory of flows in networks and project scheduling, Multiple Criteria Decision Aiding with the invention of the family of ELECTRE methods and methodological contribution to decision-aiding which lead to the creation of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA). Professor Bernard Roy has had considerable influence on the development of these two broad areas. £/LIST£ Part one contains papers by Jacques Lesourne, and Dominique de Werra & Pierre Hansen related to the early career of Bernard Roy when he developed many new techniques and concepts in Graph Theory in order to cope with complex real-world problems. Part two of the book is devoted to Philosophy and Epistemology of Decision-Aiding with contributions from Valerie Belton & Jacques Pictet and Jean-Luis Genard & Marc Pirlot. Part three includes contributions based on Theory and Methodology of Multi-Criteria Decision-Aiding based on a general framework for conjoint measurement that allows intrasitive preferences. Denis Bouyssou & Marc Pirlot; Alexis Tsoukiàs, Patrice Perny & Philippe Vincke; Luis Dias & João Clímaco; Daniel Vanderpooten; Michael Doumpos & Constantin Zopounidis; and Marc Roubens offer a considerable range of examinations of this aspect of MCDA. Part four is devoted to Perference Modeling with contributions from Peter Fishburn; Salvatore Greco, Benedetto Matarazzo & Roman Slowinski; Salem Benferhat, Didier Dubois & Henri Prade; Oscar Franzese & Mark McCord; Bertrand Munier; and Raymond Bisdorff. Part five groups Applications of Multi-Criteria Decision-Aiding, and Carlos Henggeler Antunes, Carla Oliveira & João Clímaco; Carlos Bana e Costa, Manuel da Costa-Lobo, Isabel Ramos & Jean-Claude Vansnick; Yannis Siskos & Evangelos Grigoroudis; Jean-Pierre Brans, Pierre Kunsch & Bertrand Mareschal offer a wide variety of application problems. Finally, Part six includes contributions on Multi-Objective Mathematical Programming from Jacques Teghem, Walter Habenicht and Pekka Korhonen.
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Multicriteria Methodology for Decision Aiding
Multicriteria Methodology for Decision Aiding
axiomatic results should be at the heart of such a science. Through them, we should be able to enlighten and scientifically assist decision-making processes especially by: - making that wh ich is objective stand out more c1early from that which is less objective; - separating robust from fragile conc1usions; - dissipating certain forms of misunderstanding in communication; - avoiding the pitfall of illusory reasoning; - emphasizing, once they are understood, incontrovertible results. The difficulties I encountered at the begining of my career as an operations researcher, and later as a consultant, made me realize that there were some limitations on objectivity in decision-aiding. In my opinion, five major aspects must be taken into consideration: 1) The borderline (or frontier) between what is and what is not feasible is often fuzzy. Moreover, this borderline is frequently modified in light of what is found from the study itself. 2) In many real-world problems, the "decision maker D" does not really exist as a person truly able to make adecision. Usually, several people (actors or stakeholders) take part in the decision process, and it is important not to confuse the one who ratifies adecision with the so-called decision maker in the decision ai ding process. This decision maker is in fact the person or the set of persons for whom or in the name of whom decision aiding effort is provided.
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The Natural
The Natural
Malamud uses the fanatical and aggressive world of professional baseball to mirror contemporary society.
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The Green Light
The Green Light
The Green Light ('Le Feu Vert') offers an original and profound exploration of the roots of environmental philosophy and the Anthropocene. Bernard Charbonneau situates the wellspring of the ecological movement in the dialectics of Nature and Freedom, and their needful but uneasy joining against the totalizing system of technological society that threatens them both. Using this paradoxical tension as a yardstick, he probes the ways in which concepts of Nature have developed as industrialization became second nature and jeopardized the original, taken for granted until its advent. This allows Charbonneau to explain how movements and policies claiming to deal with this issue have gone wrong. A spirited critique of how the environmental movement has taken shape in relation to philosophy, politics, theology and contemporary culture, this book written in 1980 is representative of an oft-overlooked strand of French environmentalist thought, as a look back on its first decade in the public eye by a man who had originated political ecology half a century earlier. Charbonneau can be said to have prepared the way for many current concerns within environmental thought: the tension between liberalism and ecologism in green political theory; the wider question of the compatibility of ecological imperatives with supposedly foundational freedoms under capitalism; the discussions over how to balance existing democratic structures with environmental goals; the tensions between radical and reformist strategies within green movements; the controversy over the core values of ecological politics in a world transformed by climate change and peak everything; and the proper attitude of environmental movements to institutional science. This ground-breaking work should be front and centre of the debates that he anticipated, while giving a timely perspective on the interconnected questions of nature and human freedom. This first English translation of a work by Bernard Charbonneau provides not only a vivid account of environmental philosophy, but an introduction to this important author's thought.
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Requiem for the Santa Cruz
Requiem for the Santa Cruz
"Requiem for the Santa Cruz is the natural history of the life and death of a Southwestern river. The book is a model for explaining changes in river systems and the consequences."--Provided by publisher.
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Comparative Politics
Comparative Politics
Explore issues and trends brought to the fore by the attacks of 9/11: clash and dialogue of civilizations, with reference notably to Islamism; the impact of modernization/globalization on the traditional state; and the growing uncertainties of democratization in post-communist systems and developing countries with COMPARATIVE POLITICS: NOTES AND READINGS. This thought-provoking text covers the entire field of comparative politics and introduces you to influential concepts so you can analyze and understand the major crises of our time. A review panel of political scientists drawn from the most prestigious universities in China singled out Brown's COMPARATIVE POLITICS as "a classic of the literature of the West," calling it "the most famous work in the field."
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Le Nord à bras-le-coeur Récit
Le Nord à bras-le-coeur Récit
" Dans chaque village, il y a entre une et trois infirmières, et jusqu'à deux intervenants sociaux. Il faut donc tout faire : santé communautaire, suivi des malades chroniques, suivi prénatal et infantile, urgence, protection de la jeunesse, ambulance, chauffeur, femme de ménage (parfois), médiateur familial, vétérinaire (à l'occasion)... Par la force des événements, les infirmières marchent constamment sur la frontière entre la pratique infirmière légale et les actes que l'on pose parce que c'est urgent et que personne d'autre n'est disponible sur place pour le faire. " Le Nord à bras-le-coeur offre un panorama unique de ce qu'est l'acte de soigner. A travers ces récits d'infirmiers et d'infirmières du Grand Nord québécois, on découvre la réalité peu connue des nurses nordiques : ces soignants travaillant en régions éloignées. Par le truchement de leurs histoires, on en vient à mieux connaître leur vie et leur métier trépidants... de même que ce Grand Nord si proche, mais si mystérieux et méconnu.
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