Your Doctor Can't Make You Healthy
MOST PEOPLE KILL THEMSELVES...knowingly or unknowingly. They are seduced into believing that doctors and scientists can always fix their medical problems, and the medical community at large has encourage the belief that there will be "a pill for every ill." INTELLIGENT PEOPLE KNOW BETTER. It is time to stop chasing after quick fixes and take a serious look at the evidence. The diseases that kill 70 percent of Americans--cardiovascular diseases (heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, type II diabetes, and some cancers--are preventable, controllable, and sometimes reversible by changing the way we eat and live. While we should salute all medical and scientific research and recognize the roles that genes play, what really matters is your lifestyle--those things you choose or choose not to do. this book is an honest (no hypes or false promises), up-to-date, and scientifically-balanced look at why and how to look after yourself. It imparts insights and lays out a provocative approach on how to stay health or regain lost health. What reputable people have said about this book. This is undoubtedly a very well-produced book, full of useful important information. It is an extremely important book to have written. ---Esmond Harmsworth, Sazhary Schuster Harmsworth Literary Agency (Boston, Your material is so interesting that I couldn't put the book down. I have perhaps two dozen books on health ...I read here and there in these b books. But they are not as comprehensive, persuasive, or as readable as your book, and I have NEVER read any of them from cover to cover. ---Professor Marian Ortolf-Bagley, Ph.D. Professor Design, Emeritus, University of Minnesota. Besides being an obviously astute clinician, Dr. Bulwer is carrying out a systematic program for cardiovascular, nutritional and diabetes education which would serve as a model in our own medical environment. He is dedicated advocate of prevention and education as the most powerful agents of public health. ---David, Singer, M.D. Harvard Medical School Harvard Medical School Harvard Vanguard Medical Associates, Teacher of the Year 1998