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Precious Than Paradise
Precious Than Paradise
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Let the Nations Ponder
Let the Nations Ponder
The countries of the world have an object by which they look upon for development of their cities. Today's world has become technology in which unique knowledge comes out every day. There are much different knowledge making today's countries diverse from one another by which shows the advancement of that State. Knowledge has increase and people are traveling from one country to another. So many people are seeking comfort zones to live. The world has become a global village by which information is easily contracted. People are competing for power and money. There are differences in people, differences in cities, and differences in the country's development. But one thing is bringing Africa development down. Lawlessness has an increase in Africa, which mine country Ghana is among. There is lawlessness going on in all our cities and towns. We are people who do not want to contribute to the nation's development. This is making us going back, instead of moving forward. We are late in today's stage of maturity, by which we can count among the civilized countries. We lack push and do not want to contribute to any better thing for ourselves as country and people. Who is our enemy, and what is pushing us back in development? These are the solutions to our problems, if we will consider. The Government of Ghana needs to consider these notes and then make use of them to stabilize the economy.
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Making the Life with the Life Giver
Though, you have done your best as you can but things are not going well as you wish. You need to be tested by circumstances to see if you are fit to handle things well. It is tough; it is a lesson for your maturity. You do not see clearly; it is not as you know already. Why things have change suddenly? Is it my sins or my destiny? Why these things? It is hard for me now. What shall I do and come out from all these trials? Why things still the same? There is nothing that has change in my life. Still things are tough for me and I do not know why? You need to be press and know what you can be used for. In life, lessons are our progress act which makes us who we are and what we can do more than imagine. Our ways are not God ways or our thought His thoughts. He knows us more than we do. He created us and knows what is within us. Sin has changed our beauty and what we can do. We are like gold; we need to refine by fire, then to be useful for the Master. Whatever your lesson; makes you great and suits you for good use. Do not be worry when things went wrong. But be alert and know what the master have for you. Do not guess or think of the outcome but be honest and stay cool until the end. It is for your good but not your wreck. You need to be fit for the position you about to be hold.
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You Are Glorified
You Are Glorified
Are you honest to the work that you have been appointed? Are you selfish? How do others recognize you about your work that you are doing? How serious are you? In fact, we are appointed by God to work for Him but not ourselves. Everyone needs to take note concerning the reason why we are alive today on earth. Why are we here? We are here for a purpose and a duty that needs completion. Many people think that they are here only for fun and selfishness. You are glorified and honored for your life today. Some also consider life as has no reason but live as you wish. Jeremiah was appointed to be the prophet for nations; to pull down and build. Means to prepare people for God and make stand perfectly before Him. It is not by accident that you are here on earth but you have been appointed for a duty. Never live as useless being or live as you own yourself and can do whatever you wish. It is not so, but God has appointed you to work for Him concerning other people's progress. God wants you to prepare others for Him through your gift and make others survive through the work that you are doing. Do not work as you are working for yourself but work as you have been appointed for. We are here to fulfill the mission of the owner of creation but not as we want it to be. It is a mistake to live and work for selfish living. Many people fail concerning life matters and misuse their time for no sacrifice for others benefit. Others abuse their gift for no improvement and die for no history activities. Do not live without good name and do not die without history of your good activities on earth. Else, you have failed to be recognized absolutely on the new earth. Everyone needs to work according to as he or she has been appointed.
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The Chaotic World
The Chaotic World
As if we are different in nature and different in stature. Our ways and thoughts are darkened and there is no soundness in our being. We have lost our identity as human beings. Our nature has become as animals and many us behave as wild beast. We put the law aside and have left our morality for madness. We behave as if there is no God or the owner of this world. We are gloomy and jokers for sin. We have lost understanding as human beings and have lost our dignity. Many of us behave as without mind and eyes. Sin has covered us and has destined us in prison with no keys to open. Oh! When will this nature change? Who will rescue us from this situation? In fact, many of us are mad and are beast in behavior. Many people imagine evil every day and do things in madness. We are not clear as we should but dim in behavior. Some of us lack sense and are mad in actions. Many of us love do evil than to learn righteousness. We have lost totally the image and the likeness of God. Our nature is serious in doing evil than well.
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Heavier Than the Heavens
Heavier Than the Heavens
We lost hope as human beings. In fact, this kind of sin damages our being which resemble God's. There was no replacement which could be made for human to resemble God's again. Our situation was horrible to have the solution. There is nothing that God can do to solve or replace His image that has come damaged. It's left to Him (God) to create someone again which resemble to Him and lose the first image and likeness as him forever. Creating other image like Him was not His problem. But to lose that first image and likeness of Him became His burden and its trouble His heart. There was nothing that could solve this condition that Adam has brought it. He who knows the end from the beginning made provision to solve this problem in case it happens. He prepared himself and keeps watch, because of the will of a man. It's wasn't His surprise because He already know and have prepared for that. Though, God could made different image and likeness like him, but He consider and maintain the first one through love and care. That sin of Adam demanded blood which is innocent and not any other except the blood which is equal to God's to solve such penalty. Moreover, in order to solve this death penalty that Adam sin has created, God needs to become like a man and be subject to the rules that were first given to man.
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The Science of Life
The Science of Life
This world is full of tragedies, dangers and damages. Life in this world cannot be entirely rosy, contrary to the expectation of human. There are lots of obstacles across all the things we do in the world. Passing through the world is guided by natural laws, which we should observe. People of today want to live in the world without laws and do whatever pleases them. Life cannot be without laws. Every human being in the world must be prepared to face the practical realities of life in the world - the opportunities, defeats, duties and successes. Life, as we may be aware of, is not about arrogant; it includes preparation, planning, fortitude, activity, gentleness, integrity, pure thought, choice and readiness. Everything we do turns to us either for good or bad. Life is like a tree; it bears fruit. What you sow is what you reap. Now the world is moving to the end, everything testifies. Two different voices are sounding and the voices have the identity that makes the difference of signal and resulted in life-and-death. Which one are you hearing? And what is your nature today? The youth of today are taking life for granted. Harming themselves about life issues that are on call for and damaging their destiny in exchanging their life success for weeds reward. Many youths are digging holes for themselves because of their actions and wishes, and do not take advice but proud themselves in wickedness act.
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The Youth Age Acts
The Youth Age Acts
Make no difference among men or women in the basis of value the one than the other. Show respect to all people whether child; young or adult and cherish them as well. Do not show partiality in age among men or women but consider every age as due respect. Be patient in all matters of life and be ready for good or bad. Plan correctly about the things you do and do the unique thing currently in the system and get the correct responses from the people around you.Be prudent and act decency. Make Practice on good things and be kind to all people. Be ready to stand for truth and never deceive by your act; appearance or tongue. Be alert to help and at the same time work from the correct heart. Work hard but not to abuse yourself, do away laziness and keep your time as well. Make peace with all men and do your part to promote justice as well.
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Doing Above The Ability
Doing Above The Ability
In all, life consists of all-round education and the character by which nothing can be compared. It is not as you think that makes you dear, but it is by your words and actions that testifies you. Life is not about self-esteem but dignity and honesty. You must not think that you have done what you can without faithfulness. Means you must do about above the ability which you think is enough. That is, you must do more than expected for recognition. Whatever you do must be on its way and it must be recognized for future reference. Your life must be fruit for someone and cloth that clothes naked. You must go beyond what you have imagined. That is, you must help others by the way you can and above. It is not enough to help others with their needs. Always keep on helping, do not stop but continue as you eat every day. In fact, life is not about you, but it is for others aid which builds yours well. Do not be selfish but be selfless and then know how to help others. What do I want you to learn from this content which is the title of this book? Many people think that life is all about self, but it is not so. It is about sacrificing for others. There are a lot to do in life and a lot to share. You cannot be your own but you must be for others. Means share and continue sharing until you die. What extra do you think?
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