The Last Messenger
The Last Messenger By: Berkley Johnson and Kristen Johnson During the Civil War era, a dying sentient machine touched down on earth and transferred its essence into the human population in preparation to defend the world against an ancient enemy sterilizing planets of all biological life. The Destroyer has learned of earth and is a generation away from arriving. A teenage chess prodigy, Maddie, her mute but superhumanly strong twin brother Sven, and her biggest chess adversary and burgeoning love interest Benton, along with a grizzled beat cop, form an unlikely group to defend the earth against a machine built to kill suns and solar systems. “WONDERFUL CHARACTERS AND TECHNOLOGY. OPERATIC IN SCOPE AND SCALE WITH A COMPELLING GALACTIC FOIL. A GREAT READ!” Peter Levine - Venture Capitalist and Partner, Andreessen Horowitz “A STRONG, YOUNG FEMALE CHAMPION. THE WORLD NEEDS MORE MADDIES!” Dr. Karen Johnson – Pediatrician The Last Messenger is their second book collaboration. The first was the thriller, The Divinity Protocol in 2017.