Party of Defeat
Party of Defeat is a well-documented and disturbing account of the unprecedented attacks by leaders of the Democratic Party on a war they supported and then turned their backs on. In a democracy, criticism of war policy is legitimate and necessary. But deliberate undermining of a war policy, the authors urge, is another matter entirely. Every American concerned about the future of their country in the war on terror should consider the arguments in this book. -- [Blurb signed by] Senators Jim Bunning, Tom Coburn, James Inhofe, Jon Kyl, Jeff Sessions, Rick Santorum; Representatives Ginny Brown-Waite, Howard Coble, David Dreier, Peter Hoekstra, Peter King, Howard Buck McKeon, Mike Pence, Ed Royce, Jim Saxton, John Shadegg, Lamar Smith, Mark Souder, Tome Tancredo; committees represented: Intelligence, Foreign Affairs, International Relations, Homeland Security, Judiciary.