Renewable Energy Conversion And Technologies
This book offers an examination of cutting-edge energy infrastructure by diving deep into such topics as the design of emerging technologies, their practical implementation, and the history and context of the electrical electronics & thermodynamics procedures used for renewable energy. This book is perfect for upper-level engineering classes on renewable energy, resources, both electrical and thermal energy generation, and long-term viability and is going to be of use to recent engineering graduates, scholars, professors, as well as business professionals currently employed in the field of renewable energy. There is a growing interest in finding innovative approaches to engineering challenges faced by renewable energy technologies, therefore it is imperative that audiences has the technical knowledge and practical abilities to design and execute such solutions. Recent developments in specialized renewable energy systems are explored in depth throughout a variety of modules, including collection and conversion, system planning and evaluation, and project creation and execution. This book includes topic like Wind Energy Conversion, Types and classification of WECS; Power, torque and speed characteristics, Site Selection Criteria, Wind Rose Diagram, Wind Energy Conversion System, Design-Design of Wind Turbine, Wind Energy Application, Wind pumps. Principle of WEG, Economics of wind energy utilization; Wind energy in India, Small Hydropower Systems, Hydrology, Elements of pumps and turbine; Selection and design criteria of pumps and turbines, Speed and voltage regulation; Investment issues load management and tariff collection; Distribution and marketing issues, Potential of small hydro power in India, SHP, Renovation and Modernization, OTEC, Tidal Energy, Geothermal, MHD-Thermionic-Thermoelectric energy conversion system, Fuel Cells, Batteries, Micro Alge, Biodiesel from Alge.