The Diary of a Hedge Hog
The outstanding global investment professional, Barton Biggs, for the first time chronicles the agonies and ecstasies of creating and running a new hedge fund In June 2003, Barton Biggs left Morgan Stanley and formed Traxis Partners with two colleagues-the biggest new hedge fund of 2003. Now, in The Diary of a Hedge Hog, Biggs shares firsthand his dramatic personal and professional journey-and dismantles the myths about hedge funds. In this fascinating insider's look at life at a hedge fund, readers will discover how Biggs and his partners put their reputations and personal wealth to the test in the volatile hedge fund business. Covering a 15-month span, Biggs details the highs and lows of his endeavors-from planning their "top down" hedge fund and raising the major capital to the travails of actually investing and monitoring the billions of dollars day-by-day. Full of revealing, funny, and telling anecdotes, this true story captures the emotional intensity-the stress, frustration, satisfaction, and excitement-of the high-flying hedge fund world. Reliving his around-the-clock days and nights in the hedge fund business, Barton Biggs provides a unique perspective on his extraordinary experiences and reveals how this money game-the biggest money game today-is really played. Barton Biggs (Greenwich, CT) spent 30 years as a major senior partner at Morgan Stanley, where he formed Morgan's number-one-ranked research department, served as chairman of the investment management firm, and was the firm's chief global strategist. For four consecutive years, he was ranked the number-one global strategist by the Institutional Investor magazine survey. On June 1, 2003, he left Morgan Stanley to form Traxis Partners with two other colleagues. Biggs has spoken at forums in every major country, has been profiled in every national newspaper and magazine in his field, and has appeared on CNBC and other cable and network programs on hundreds of occasions.