Charlotte Huck's Children's Literature
"Charlotte Huck's Children's Literature continues to be the classic, comprehensive text for those involved in all aspects of the evaluation and selection of children's literature for preK through middle- school readers. Like no other book, it not only provides the classroom teacher, librarian, administrator, and parent with a thorough understanding of children's literature, but it also-like no other book-reflects the passion for children's literature that resonated with Charlotte Huck. A true pioneer in the field, it was apparent that Charlotte's goal was not for readers to simply learn the history, concepts, and evaluation criteria necessary to understand and select children's literature-but to jump headfirst into the joy and excitement that the literature of childhood can bring, and in turn to share this enthusiasm with the children they teach. As we continue with the tenets originated by Charlotte, who passed away in 2005, we keep that goal of passion and enthusiasm at the forefront of our writing"--