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Cardiac Nursing E-Book
Cardiac Nursing E-Book
Cardiac Nursing: A Companion to Braunwald's Heart Disease is the only comprehensive text available for cardiac nurses. This brand-new reference emphasizes both evidence-based practice and hands-on care in a high-tech, high-touch approach that meets the high-stakes needs of cardiac and critical care nurses. What's more, the book makes the material easily accessible by using clear language, straightforward text, and plenty of illustrations, lists, and tables. This book is the third in a series of companion texts for Braunwald's Heart Disease and the first specifically for nurses. - Authored by the widely published, well-known co-editors of The Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing--two leaders in cardiac nursing. - Endorsed by the authors of Braunwald's Heart Disease, including Eugene Braunwald, the physician considered by many to be the "father of modern cardiology." - Evidence-based Practice boxes highlight research-supported advances in knowledge and care practices. - Conundrum boxes helps readers hone their critical thinking skills by tackling tough questions for which there may be no easy answers. - Technology boxes keeps readers up to date with the latest technological advances. - Genetics boxes helps readers understand connections between genes and heart disease. - Pharmacology tables present important drug-related information at a glance. - A guide to cardiac abbreviations and acronyms gives nurses quick access to essential information.
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Holistic Nursing
Holistic Nursing
Holistic Nursing: A Handbook for Practice guides nurses in the art and science of holistic nursing and offers ways of thinking, practicing, and responding to bring healing to the forefront of healthcare. Using self-assessments, relaxation, imagery nutrition, and exercise, it presents expanded strategies for enhancing psychophysiology. The Fourth Edition addresses both basic and advanced strategies for integrating complementary and alternative interventions into the clinical practice.
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Therapeutic Exercise in Developmental Disabilities
Therapeutic Exercise in Developmental Disabilities
Therapeutic Exercise in Developmental Disabilities, Second Edition is a unique book for pediatric physical therapy. the purpose of this groundbreaking book is to integrate theory, assessment, and treatment using functional outcomes and a problem solving approach. This innovative book is written using a problem solving approach as opposed to specific intervention approaches. the chapters integrate case studies of four children and the application of principles discussed throughout the book as they apply to the children. the book opens with an overview of neural organization and movement, which
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In the 14 years since the first edition of Addictions was published, a wealth of substantive and crucial new findings have been added to our knowledge of alcohol and other substance use disorders. This primary reference has now been updated and expanded to include 38 chapters, all completely rewritten to reflect new knowledge gained about the science of alcohol and other drugs, as well as new treatment approaches and research trends. Addictions: A Comprehensive Guidebook, Second Edition, features a roster of senior scientists covering the latest findings in the study of alcohol and other drug use, abuse, and dependence. Skillfully edited by Drs. Barbara S. McCrady and Elizabeth E. Epstein, the chapters primarily review the literature published in the last 14 years since the first edition. The volume covers seven different content areas: Section I addresses broad conceptual issues as well as information on the etiology, neuroscience, epidemiology and course of alcohol and other drug use, abuse, and dependence. Section II provides detailed pharmacological and clinical information on the major drugs of abuse, including alcohol. Sections III, IV, and V focus on knowledge of importance to clinical practice, including a section on assessment and treatment planning, information on a range of empirically supported treatments, and issues related to clinical practice. Section VI provides information about specific population groups, and Section VII addresses policy, prevention, and economic issues in the field. The book is appropriate for a wide variety of readers who are either treating, learning to treat, doing research on, or teaching about addictions. Comprehensive and succinct, it is written in a manner that is accessible and useful to practitioners, students, clinician trainees, and researchers. It is also an ideal textbook for graduate courses and training programs in psychology, psychiatry, social work, and addictions certifications, and for advanced undergraduate courses on alcohol and other substance use disorders
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Social and Emotional Learning in the Classroom, First Edition
Social and Emotional Learning in the Classroom, First Edition
This book has been replaced by Social and Emotional Learning in the Classroom, Second Edition, ISBN 978-1-4625-4401-1.
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Leukaemia Diagnosis
Leukaemia Diagnosis
UP-TO-DATE PRACTICAL GUIDE TO LEUKAEMIA DIAGNOSIS Written by a renowned expert this practical guide had been fully revised and updated. The book covers recent advances in the fields of immunophenotyping, cytogenetics and molecular genetics. It illustrates how laboratory techniques are used for the diagnosis and classification of leukaemia and includes images of abnormal cells to aid diagnosis. This fifth edition: Incorporates the recommendations of the 2015 WHO Classification of Tumours of Haematopoietic and Lymphoid Tissues Includes 300 high quality full colour digital images of abnormal cells in leukaemia and lymphoma Full colour diagrams and helpful tables clarify and summarise key points throughout Essential reading for every haematologist and haematopathologist.
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Consultative Hemostasis and Thrombosis
Consultative Hemostasis and Thrombosis
Effectively and efficiently diagnose and manage today's full range of clotting and bleeding disorders using clinical case studies that demonstrate real-world problems and solutions! For each condition examined, you'll review concise descriptions of its associated symptoms, along with laboratory findings, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, and treatment - all the clinical guidance you need - at your fingertips. It's the ideal real-life reference tool for busy physicians! A reader-friendly design, coupled with nearly 385 illustrations and at-a-glance tables - many new to this edition - equip you to quickly locate the guidance you need. Abundant laboratory protocols enable you to select and interpret lab tests more easily. A complete section on women's health issues helps you stay current in this evolving area. A new chapter on the impact of herbal medicines examines their effect on hemostasis and their interaction with other drugs. New coverage of hemostatic issues in traumatology, sepsis, interventional radiology, pulmonology, and cardiology allows you to master the latest advances.
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Blood Cells
Blood Cells
Blood Cells has been written with both the practisinghaematologist and the trainee in mind. It aims to provide a guidefor use in the diagnostic haematology laboratory, covering methodsof collection of blood specimens, blood film preparation andstaining, the principles of manual and automated blood counts andthe assessment of the morphological features of blood cells. Thepractising haematologist should find this book sufficientlycomprehensive to be a reference source while, at the same time, thetrainee haematologist and biomedical scientist should find it astraightforward and practical bench manual. Enables both the haematologist and laboratory scientist toidentify blood cell features, from the most common to the moreobscure Provides essential information on methods of collection, bloodfilm preparation and staining, together with the principles ofmanual and automated blood counts Completely revised and updated, incorporating much newlypublished information: now includes advice on further tests when aspecific diagnosis is suspected Four hundred high quality photographs to aid with blood cellidentification Highlights the purpose and clinical relevance of haematologylaboratory tests throughout
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Community Treatment for Youth
Community Treatment for Youth
This outstanding textbook presents innovative interventions for youth with severe emotional and behavioral disorders. Community Treatment for Youth is designed to fill a gap between the knowledge base and clinical practice through its presentation of theory, practice parameters, training requirements, and research evidence. Featuring community-based and state-of-the-art services for youth with severe emotional and behavioral disorders and their families, this volume describes each intervention in depth, along with the supporting evidence for its utility. Most chapters present a single intervention as an alternative to institutional care. Shared characteristics of these interventions include delivery of services in the community (homes, schools, and neighborhoods) provided largely by parents and paraprofessional staff. The interventions are appropriate to use in any of the child human services sectors and have been developed in the field with real-world child and family clients. In addition, they offer a reduced cost in comparison to institutional care. Several chapters address diagnostic-specific psychosocial and psychopharmacological treatments, which are likely to be provided as adjunctive treatment in a clinical setting. Designed to update professionals in the field about effective services, Community Treatment for Youth will serve as a resource for academics, policymakers, practitioners, consumers, and researchers.
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Interdisciplinary Pediatric Palliative Care
Interdisciplinary Pediatric Palliative Care
Interdisciplinary Pediatric Palliative Care provides a uniquely integrated, comprehensive resource about palliative care for seriously ill children and their families. The field of palliative care is based on the fundamental principle that an interdisciplinary team is optimal in caring for patients and their families throughout the illness trajectory. The text integrates themes including goals of care, discipline-specific roles, cultural and spiritual considerations, evidence-based outcomes, and far more. It emphasizes the value of words and high-quality communication in palliative care. Importantly, content acknowledges challenging periods between team members, and how those can ultimately benefit team, patient, and family care outcomes. Each chapter includes the perspective of the family of a seriously ill child in the form of a vignette to promote care team understanding of this crucial perspective. This second edition is founded on a wealth of evidence that reflects the innovations in pediatric palliative care science over the past 10 years, including initiatives in clinical care, research, and education. Interdisciplinary Pediatric Palliative Care is appropriate for all pediatric palliative clinicians (PPC), including physicians, nurses, psychosocial clinicians, chaplains, and many others. All subspecialists who deliver care to seriously ill children, will find this book a must-have for their work. Advance Praise for Interdisciplinary Pediatric Palliative Care, Second Edition "This new edition is as much a testament to pediatric palliative care's remarkable evolution as a field as it is a quintessential playbook for providing the high-quality holistic and compassionate care that families with seriously ill children desperately want. Every page thoughtfully weaves together how interprofessional teams can contribute collaboratively to learning about and supporting the preferences, needs and priorities of the precious patients and families in their circle of care. It is a must read for all practitioners to enhance their palliative care understanding, appreciation and ability as a foundation for optimizing quality of life in practice." - Rebecca Kirch, JD, Executive Vice President of Policy and Programs, National Patient Advocate Foundation "This book offers a truly contemporary and comprehensive view of the entire field of pediatric palliative care. The focus on social determinants of health, cultural humility, and disparities in care could not be timelier, and the section highlighting conflict and conflict resolution should be required reading. The continued and purposeful inclusion of interdisciplinary clinicians in producing each chapter models the palliative care team itself-an approach in which all voices are necessary as we seek to provide the most compassionate care possible." - Rachel Thienprayoon, MD, MSCS, FAAP, FAAHPM, Associate Professor of Anesthesia, Medical Director, StarShine Hospice and Palliative Care, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
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