The work is made up of three books, divided into seven phenomena, in which eighty of heresies and schisms are presented and rejected: the first book contains three thomases and forty-four heresies (Barbarism, Shamism, Hellenism, Judaism And Samaritanism, with their respective subdivisions, and the heresies that emerged after the incarnation of Christ, from the Simons to the Tazianites), the second two thoms and twenty-three heresies (from the Encrusted to the Arians), the third two thoms and eleven heresies (from Audians to Massaliani). He closes the treaty "the defense of true faith and truth, which is represented by the holy, Catholic and apostolic Church", in which the author summarizes the fundamental points of the Catholic orthodox doctrine - the Trinity, the Incarnation of Christ, the resurrection of Dead, eternal judgment - and the institutional principles governing the Church - the liturgy, the meetings, the.