The Recipe Writer's Handbook
How to take those recipes from the kitchen to the printed page Here is a one-stop information source that will be invaluable for anyone who writes, tests, or edits recipes. Based on their hands-on expertise in all three of these areas, the authors have created the most comprehensive writing tool available for food professionals. Readers will learn how to develop their own writing style as they learn about format, syntax, spelling, cooking terminology, recipe-testing-and more. There2s even a chapter on preparing recipes for TV and radio presentations, plus interviews with notable "foodies" on what constitutes a good recipe. Features discussions with Chuck Williams, founder of Williams-Sonoma cookware stores; Ferdinand E. Metz, President of The Culinary Institute of America; and Marlene Sorosky, author of The Dessert Lover2s Cookbook Includes a resources section listing reference books, food promotion organizations, professional associations, and government agencies BARBARA OSTMANN (Union, Missouri) is a food and travel writer for The New York Times regional newspaper group. JANE BAKER (East Lansing, Michigan) is Director of Domestic Marketing for the Cherry Marketing Institute. They are both editors of the Quick & Easy Recipes series.