A Haunting at Mariner’s Rest
Synopsis: This book is a chilling paranormal / romance story for the lover of a ghost story that sets the mind to wondering. Could this really happen? Samantha Porter on vacation meets the ghost of Charles Mariner, a shrimp boat captain who disappeared in a violent storm at sea. Now as a wandering spirit, Charles is haunting his old seaside home that after his death, was sold, and remodeled into an inn. Samantha Porter rents a room there and wakes in the night to find the transparent figure of a man standing at the foot of her bed. When she demands to know what he wants, it's almost as if he's a puppet on a string, he's pulled away and disappears. After a few more visits, he finally speaks, and both Charles and Samantha become friends. They spend time together talking and walking the beach, her as a mortal, and Charles as a disembodied voice. They find they're falling in love but realize their love is impossible. They mourn the fact that if death hadn't taken Charles so soon, they would have made the perfect couple. About the Author: She says she didn't begin writing until she realized she was the last one in the family who still had memories of those who had passed away. Their stories would be lost forever if someone didn't capture them for the future. Saving the past began her writing career. After writing the family stories, she found she enjoyed it so much that she began to make up short stories. Then graduated to full-length books specializing in the paranormal/ romance. She writes about haunted houses, ghosts, and aliens from other worlds etc. She found she could weave a good story with a great plot that promised to keep the reader interested right up to the last page. So far, she says she hasn't run out of new book ideas.