Advances in Fish and Wildlife Ecology and Biology
Advances in Fish and Wildlife Ecology and Biology is a compendium of original research articles written by eminent scholars. The book has two sections namely Fish and Limnology papers relating to fish structure, fish food organisms, rotifers zooplankton, aquatic insects, feeding habits, reproduction development and many others related topics on fish ecology and biology have been included. The section on Wildlife includes papers on habitat studies, behavior, management of wildlife, threat to wildlife and shrinking wetlands. The main thrust of the volume is on the ecology and biology of fish and wildlife and is dedicated to Professor Y.R. Malhotra Vice-Chancellor of University Jammu for his commitment and contribution to advancement of these branches of biological sciences. Contents: Section I: Fish and Limnology Chapter 1: Melanophore Occurrence in Early Life History Stages (Periodization) of Mahseer, Tor tor (Hamilton) and its Role in Identification of the Larvae Inhabiting Jammu Waters of J & K State by Y R Malhotra & Subash Chander Gupta, Chapter 2: Seasonal Variations in Biochemical Composition in Some Freshwater Fishes, Part III, Channa punctatus (Bloch) by B N Pandey, Anupa Sharan, Rumana Perween & M Kumar, Chapter 3: Some Relationships Between Size Structure and Fertility of Rotifer Populations by S S S Sarma, Chapter 4: Effect of Accessory Pneumectomy on Some Haematological Values of Air Breathing Fish Clarias batrachus by B D Joshi, Chapter 5: Food and Feeding Habits of Heteropneustes fossils (Bloch) Inhabiting Gadigarh Stream, Jammu by S P S Dutta, Chapter 6: Observations on the Use of Ovaprim for Induced Spawning of Indian Major Carps by P K Roy, Chapter 7: Aquatic Odonata and Hemiptera of Jammu and their Role in Aquaculture by Baldev Sharma, Neeru Dhalla & Renu Salaria, Chapter 8: A Comparative Study of the Renal Organs of Freshwater Teleostean Fish, Part I: Morphology by B L Kaul, Chapter 9: A Comparative Study of the Renal Organs of Freshwater teleostean Fish, Part II: Histology by B L Kaul, Chapter 10: Benthic: Macroinvertebrates as Indicators of Aquatic Environment by Usha Moza, Chapter 11: Effect of Mechanical Stess on Early Embryonic Stages of Tor tor by Kuldeep K Sharma, Chapter 12: Icthyofauna of the Sector of Kaveri River in Head Region by M N Madyastha and S Murugan, Chapter 13: Biology of Indian Belone, Xenentodon cancila (Hamilton): A Freshwater Fish from Jammu Waters of J & K State I: Periodization in Life History of Xenentodon cancila (Hamilton) by Subash Chander Gupta & Kuldeep K Sharma, Chapter 14: Rotifer Fauna of Devikoppa Tank: Dharwad (Karnataka, India) by K Vijay Kumar, Chapter 15: Terminology of Various Developmental Stages of Fish Larvae Inhabiting Jammu Freshwaters by Subhash Chander Gupta & Arun Kumar Gupta, Chapter 16: Inter-Spacific Competition in Mixed Culture of Cladocera by Y R Malhotra & Seema Langer, Chapter 17: Limnology of Farooq Nagar Pond, Jammu Part II: Rotifera by S P S Dutta & Jyoti Sharma, Chapter 18: Relative Population Abundance of Ichthyo-fauna of Lake Mansar by Arun K Gupta, Anil Khajuria, S C Gupta & Seema, Chapter 19: On the Distribution and Ecology of Some Gastropod Molluscs of the Jammu Province in J & K State by Anil K Verma & P L Duda, Chapter 20: Macrobenthic Fauna in Relation to Some Environmental Factors in Eutrophicating Lake Mansar, Jammu by K Gupta & Anil Khajuria, Chapter 21: Population Structure and Seasonal Succession of Zooplankton of Lake Surinsar, Jammu (India) by M K Jyoti & H S Sehgal. Section II: Wildlife Chapter 22: On the Habitat and Behaviour, Maturity: Size and Sexual Dimorphism in a Population of Freshwater Emydid Turtles of Jammu, J & K State by P L Duda, Anil K Verma & D N Sahi, Chapter 23: Status and Management of Wildlife in Jammu & Kashmir State by B L Kaul & Indu Kanwal, Chapter 24: Eco-geographical Distribution and Present Status of Herptiles in Kashmir Himalayas by D N Sahi & P L Duda, Chapter 25: Shrinking Wetlands of India by S K Chadha, Chapter 26: Ecology and Status of Wildlife in Ladakh by B L Kaul, Chapter 27: On the Freshwater Chelonian Fauna of Jammu and Kashmir by D N Sahi & Anil K Verma, Chapter 28: Threatened Wildlife Habitat in Kashmir Himalayas by B L Kaul, Chapter 29: Role of Gastropods in Trematode Transmission Among Herptiles - Part I: Amphibia A Numerical Analysis by Anil K Verma & P L Duda.