Modern Dressing and Grinding Technologies
Modern Dressing and Grinding Technologies: Tools and Processes provides a deep understanding of modern dressing and grinding processes. The book discusses the theory and practice of both processes, including modern industrial applications and case studies throughout. It focuses on influencing parameters and correlations, outlining and analyzing dressing and grinding processes and highlighting commonly encountered errors and how to avoid them. Practical techniques and applications are covered throughout, including cylindrical grinding, centerless grinding, surface grinding, free-form grinding, hybrid grinding processes, and mechanical and non-mechanical dressing processes.Different machine types and methods are also discussed, such as truing machines, closed-loop machines, abrasive machining, precision machining, and laser-assisted machining. - Covers the fundamentals of cutting-edge grinding and dressing techniques, looking at different tools, material removal mechanisms, material remove rates, tool wear mechanisms, cutting forces, surface quality, grindability of different materials, and more - Provides in-depth explanations on the types and compositions of cooling lubricants, nozzle types and their effects on the efficiency of grinding processes, and methods of cleaning tools with process fluids - Features applications, case studies, process-specific trouble shooting methods, tips, and solutions to commonly encountered problems