Strengthening capacity for resilient food systems
In the wake of the food and financial crises of 20072008 and 2011, building resilient food systems to achieve food security for all has become one of the top goals of the development agenda. Resilient food systems are those in which people, communities, countries, and global institutions prevent, anticipate, prepare for, cope with, and recover from shocks and not only bounce back to where they were before the shocks occurred, but become even better off. Resilient food systems can help countries transition from a relief stage to a development path. However, despite widespread agreement on the importance of food security, we lack a systematic understanding of how to build capacity for resilient food systems as well as which approaches to building capacity work and why. This brief introduces a model that seeks to delineate the key capacity components of a resilient food system. It also develops a typology based on a countrys capacity to create, manage, and utilize human resources for a resilient food system that suggests a systematic method for prioritizing investments in capacity building across countries. Taken together, such a framework facilitates an exploration of what we know and dont know about developing capacity for resilient food systems.