Shaw and Other Playwrights
The early conclusion that Shaw was mainly a magpie following the trails of many thinkers has led to the further consequence of neglecting Shaw's relationship to other playwrights. This volume of SHAW explores Shaw's plays as inheritances and inspirations of dramatic art and also locates Shaw himself as a presence in the work of his contemporaries and successors. The volume concentrates on Shaw in relation to other modern British playwrights, notably Wilde, Bennett, Rattigan, the Court Theatre playwrights, and Shaw's successors from Coward to Stoppard. Gwyn Thomas's 1975 BBC play, The Ghost of Adelphi Terrace, puts Shaw and Barrie together on stage, and Shaw's 20 June 1937 Sunday Graphic obituary tribute to Barrie demonstrates Shaw's high regard for his contemporary and near neighbor. There are also essays on how Shaw came increasingly to resemble Strindberg as a dramatist, on the requirements of acting and directing Shaw alongside his contemporaries at the Shaw Festival at Niagara-on-the-Lake, and on Heartbreak House as a complex dialogue with Chekhov, Shakespeare, and Strindberg. John R. Pfeiffer has prepared a special bibliography of sources relating to Shaw and other playwrights in addition to the Continuing Checklist of Shaviana, and Dan H. Laurence has provided Shaw's pronunciation guide for the more troublesome names of his stage characters. There are also reviews of four recent additions to Shavian scholarship. Contributors include John A. Bertolini, Fred D. Crawford, R. F. Dietrich, T. F. Evans, A. M. Gibbs, Leon H. Hugo, Christopher Newton, Sally Peters, John R. Pfeiffer, Evert Sprinchorn, and Stanley Weintraub.