Pteridology in the New Millennium
This book entitled Pteridology in the New Millennium is dedicated to Professor B.K. Nayar, founder of the pteridology laboratory of the National Botanical Research India, Lucknow, India, on the eve of the Golden Jubilee Year October 2002 to October 2003 of the NBRI, a national laboratory under CSIR, New Delhi. This volume is a collection of research papers on pteridology covering a wide spectrum of various aspects of pteridological research from prominent scientists throughout the world. In editing this volume we have made an attempt to highlight the current significance of some of the emerging fields of pteridological research in various communities across the globe. The book includes thirty-five chapters mainly covering topics on systematics, morphology, anatomy and cytology, ecology and floristics, phytoremediation and economic utility, reproductive biology, tissue culture and Paleobotany.