The Transformation Economy
Take your customers on a journey of self-improvement, meaning, and change. A new fundamental economic shift is emerging: an economy based on transformative experiences that guide people to change, achieve their aspirations, and become who they want to be. Welcome to the Transformation Economy. Creating transformative experiences offers businesses the largest opportunity for creating economic value today, particularly as goods and services become increasingly commoditized. Enterprises can create no greater value than to help customers achieve their aspirations--whether improving health, increasing wealth, developing wisdom, or finding purpose. These aspirations speak to our customers' greatest desires, their dreams for the future, and their conceptions of who they are and who they strive to be. In this book, bestselling author B. Joseph Pine II builds on his iconic work on the Experience Economy to explain what this new shift means for companies looking to stand out and gain competitive advantage in the market. Using examples from organizations across industries, including Noom, Eataly, Burning Man, the US Army, and Texas State Technical College, Pine provides practical, proven frameworks for organizations to design, create, and guide transformation offerings that help customers reach their greatest aspirations and flourish.