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Women's Work Is Never Done
Women's Work Is Never Done
Not to be confused with Alice's famous remark on a memorable episode of the Honeymooners, "Men work from sun to sun, but women's work is never done," Women's Work Is Never Done by BJ Gallagher celebrates the fact that women's work is never done because it's never meant to be done. Women are meant to nourish and grow themselves and others, throughout their lives, and Gallagher's book acknowledges and affirms it.
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Everything I Need to Know I Learned from Other Women
Everything I Need to Know I Learned from Other Women
A collection of short stories, anecdotes, quotes, and one-liners celebrates what women learn from one another and includes the author's reflections on the women who were her teachers. Original.
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Friends Are Everything
Friends Are Everything
Appreciate your True Friends with Friendship Quotes and Stories “BJ Gallagher ... motivates and teaches with empathy, understanding, and more than a little humor.” —Debba Haupert, of the Girlfriendology Podcast True friends are hard to find and even harder to describe. But with real life stories, friendship quotes, inspirational quotes, and anecdotes about the ups and downs and ins and outs of friendships, Friends are Everything has everything you ever need for friendship empowerment. Beautiful friendships of all shapes and sizes. To bestselling author B.J. Gallagher, there are so many types of friends. There are friends who tell you what you don’t want to hear, friends who help you be your best self, friends who forgive you when you hurt them, friends who respect your boundaries. There are neighbors, best friends, childhood friends, spiritual friends, friends who are family, friends who are lovers, friends at work, and the list goes on. Get ready to dive into what it really means to love a friend and what it means to be one. Inspirational quotes for your girlfriends. With more than three dozen inspiring stories from girlfriends across the country, affirmative acronyms, and female empowerment quotes, Friends are Everything is a heartfelt celebration of friendships across all generations and a perfect gift to share with your bestie. Inside Friends are Everything, find friendship quotes, inspirational quotes, and words of empowerment in heartwarming and entertaining stories such as: “Please, Help Me Stop Shooting Myself in the Foot!” “Finding Mr. Probably Right” “A Woman’s Wheels” If you enjoyed books like That's What She Said; Tell Me More; or Hey Friend, I Wrote a Book About You, then you’ll love Friends are Everything.
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Where Would I Be Without You?
Where Would I Be Without You?
The beloved author shares advice, inspiration and outrageously funny stories from women of all kinds—including friends, movie stars and more. True wisdom is the ability to learn from other people's experiences, and B.J. Gallagher has had the privilege of learning from some truly amazing women. In Where Would I Be Without You?, she shares that wisdom through inspirational stories, witty insights, and positive affirmations for strong women of all generations. Where Would I Be Without You? Is a book about celebrating the women in our lives—from mothers and sisters to famous writers, actresses, inventors and more. Gallagher has collected pages of advice on love, work, growing older, and staying young. It gives readers a chance to stop and be grateful for the women around us.
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It's Never Too Late to Be What You Might Have Been
It's Never Too Late to Be What You Might Have Been
Inspired by George Eliot's timeless quote, this is the essential guidebook for readers to get the life they have always wanted. Written in bestselling author B.J. Gallagher's warm and witty style, this is a book for readers who have let any reason - good or bad - get in the way of their dreams. Or, in the words of the author herself: 'My intention in writing this book is to give people a hand to hold in taking the next leap or maybe a kick in the pants to get out there and just do it!'
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A Peacock in the Land of Penguins
A Peacock in the Land of Penguins
This classic pioneering book provides keen insight into workplace diversity. With new tips, tools, and strategies for peacocks and penguins alike, your organization will flourish and take flight! Through the story of Perry the Peacock and his fine feathered friends, authors BJ Gallagher and Warren H. Schmidt bring to life the challenges of birds of different feathers who struggle to be successful in the conformity-minded Land of Penguins. Their travails illuminate the challenges of creating a pluralistic corporate culture in which the talent, energy, and commitment of all employees are fully engaged. People who have new ideas that differ from business as usual are often ignored or criticized for the very thing that makes them valuable: their originality and creativity. This unique book helps organizations break out of "penguin thinking” in order to tap into and leverage the creativity of diversity. Learn how to cultivate an organizational culture in which new ideas can flourish and innovation can take flight.
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Your Life is Your Prayer
Your Life is Your Prayer
“This book demonstrates how to pray and what to say to transform your life from failure to blessing and turn fear into faith.” —Arielle Ford, author of The Soulmate Secret Prayer can point your life in the right direction—or the wrong one.Whatever you’ve got going on in your life is what you’ve been praying for—often unconsciously. If you want something different, you must pray a different prayer. This book will show you how to do just that. Everything you do is prayer. Many don’t realize it, but the decisions you make throughout the day, the attitudes you adopt, the conversations you have, the way you respond to other people, and the thoughts you think—even the food you choose to eat and the way you spend your money—are all prayers. We are constantly communing with the Divine, even in our most mundane activities. And our prayers are always answered in the affirmative: “Yes.” Whatever you’re thinking about (and therefore praying about) will manifest in your life. If you’re worrying, “I don’t have enough money,” the Universe will say ‘Yes, you don’t have enough money.’ If you’re constantly lamenting, “I don’t have a man in my life,” the Universe will respond, ‘Yes, you don’t have a man.’ If you frequently complain, “I’m fat,” the Universe will answer, ‘Yes, you’re fat.’ Your thoughts and words are prayers, and the Universe always gives you what you’re praying for. Your Life is Your Prayer will show you how to change your life by changing your prayer: Learn how to stop complaining Discover how to focus on what you do want, not what you don’t want Learn how to make your prayers positive and affirming—to get more of what you want in your life Discover how, by constantly choosing new thoughts and new conversations, you will literally create a new life for yourself
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It's Never Too Late to Be What You Might Have Been
It's Never Too Late to Be What You Might Have Been
Inspired by the timeless quote by the great writer George Eliot, It's Never Too Late to Be What You Might Have Been is a guidebook to getting the life you've always wanted. Written in best-selling author BJ Gallagher's trademark warm and witty style, this book is written for, in her own words, "Everyone who has let fear or busyness or any reason good or bad get in the way of achieving your highest goals and long-held dreams, and isn't that everyone?" Whether you are a brand new college graduate going out into the big, wide world, a business executive escaping burnout, or a 40-something mom looking for a 'second life,' this book is a wonderful combination of great advice, step-by-step guidelines, and pure inspiration to listen to and honor your inner voice and seize not just the day, but the rest of your life!
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Sometimes it's hard to put into words how much our friends mean to us. Friends comfort us in our times of need, celebrate our triumphs, laugh with us, forgive us and love us. Luckily you don't have to come up with the words! BJ Gallagher has put the wonders of friendship into a book full of original poems and quotes all about friendship. Here is just one of the many beautiful poems featured in Friends. This is my wish for you: Comfort on difficult days Smiles when sadness intrudes, Rainbows to follow the clouds, Laughter to kiss your lips, Sunsets to warm your heart, Hugs when your spirits sag, Beauty for your eyes to see, Friendships to brighten your being, Faith so that you can believe, Confidence to know yourself, Patience to accept the truth, Love to complete your life. ~ Anonymous The design of this book is so thoughtful, you will delight in each and every page that is layed out in a wonderful scrapbook design. Friends is the prefect gift to give to each of your friends as a beautiful way to say "thank you" for their gift of friendship. Personalize the book by adding a few of your own photos or mark special pages to let your friend(s) know that this poem is especially for them. There is also room at the front of the book to write a personal message for your special friends.
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The Road to Happiness
The Road to Happiness
Are you as happy as you want to be? Does everyone else's life seem perfect? And yours...well, not so much? Many of us tie our happiness to external factors...or feel on the short-end of the stick when comparing our lives to those of other people. But, sometimes, appearances can be deceiving.In fact, freeing ourselves from perfection can be the one of the keys to being happy with who we are. The truth is, if you can't find happiness inside yourself, you'll never find it in the outside world, no matter where you move. Wherever you go, there you are. You take yourself with you. This is the essence of happiness—learning to find inner contentment in any situation. BJ Gallagher and Mac Anderson have teamed up again to put out another fantastic gift book. The Road to Happiness is an easy read detailing the collective life wisdom of the two authors, and will make a great gift or addition to your own personal library.
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