Comprehensive Foundation of Knowledge on HIV/AIDS
In this book, Zefianto and the team of writers comprising Achmad Rifky Ansyori, Aisya Turridho, Adinda Nezma Meidina, Nabila Tsabitah Humaira, Azizah Qayla Asmarani, Annisa Amelia Gusvania, and Fellen Novalina present a comprehensive guide to understanding HIV/AIDS, covering everything from the basics to the psychological and social aspects associated with it. The first chapter provides an in-depth understanding of HIV/AIDS, from definitions to the differences between the two. Concise and compact explanations make it easy for lay readers to grasp the essence of this global pandemic. The etiology of HIV/AIDS is comprehensively discussed, from its early discoveries to the genetic structure of the virus. This section invites readers to trace the journey of research that unveils the origins and unique characteristics of HIV/AIDS. The third chapter explains the risk factors of HIV transmission clearly, enabling readers to understand the virus's spread and the factors that increase transmission risks. Understanding the clinical manifestations of HIV stages, screening, and diagnosis pathways are systematically outlined in the following chapters. Detailed explanations of the pathogenesis, pathophysiology, and management of HIV/AIDS provide an in-depth perspective on how this virus affects the body and how we can manage it. The book also highlights aspects of complications, prevention, and education regarding HIV/AIDS, as well as the often overlooked psychological and social aspects. The final chapter discusses stigma and psychological impacts, emphasizing the importance of social support for people living with HIV/AIDS.