“Betrayal loudly rings the alarm for a somnolent American Jewry. Read it and wake others.” —Daniel Pipes, President of the Middle East Forum “If you think it’s time for the American Jewish community, its organizations, and its leadership, to have an honest, challenging, vigorous debate about where we are going—and what mistakes we have made—then read this important, illuminating, sometimes depressing, but ultimately inspiring, book.” —Gil Troy, Distinguished Scholar of North American History at McGill University, and editor of the three-volume set Theodor Herzl: Zionist Writings This book—perhaps the first devoted to this topic—documents the devastating failure of the Jewish establishment, including its leaders and major donors, to defend and protect American Jews as anti-Semitism surges across the country. It is a collection of essays by writers who care about the welfare of the Jewish community. Some of the essayists are prominent, some are local activists engaged in ongoing battles to defend the community. Some essays offer analyses, others give disturbing, in-depth accounts of the failures themselves. All of them rebuke the Jewish leaders and institutions who have abandoned their responsibilities. While Jewish leaders cling to a utopian belief system which comports with their naïve political ideology, the ugly reality their mindset ignores only worsens. Betrayed by their leaders, the essayists argue, American Jews require new, strong leadership. The book itself is an expanded version of a collection published in the Spring 2022 issue of White Rose Magazine, a publication which promotes classical liberalism in the face of political extremism and is named in honor of the anti-Nazi White Rose resistance movement. Featuring Essays by: Jonathan S. Tobin Richard A. Landes Joshua Block Rebecca Sugar Caroline B. Glick Naya Lekht Richard Kronenfeld Bruce D. Abramson Thane Rosenbaum Morton A. Klein Alan M. Dershowitz Rabbi Cary Kozberg M. Zuhdi Jasser William A. Jacobson Johanna E. Markind Rebecca G. Schgallis Karen D. Hurvitz Joanne Bregman Lauri B. Regan Dr. Amy Rosenthal Josh Ravitch Henry Srebrnik Ben Poser