Hormones and Vitamins in Cancer Treatment
Hormones and Vitamins in Cancer Treatment is intended to serve as a therapeuticial guide for physicians using non-aggressive methods, such as hormonotherapy and vitamin therapy, when treating cancer patients. This book provides the rationale and scientific basis for hormones and vitamins, which play an important role in cancer management, and emphasizes the significance of hormones and vitamins in chemoprevention and chemoprophylaxis of cancer. Topics discussed in this book include the criteria for selecting patients for hormonotherapy and vitamin therapy; the favorable effects and advantages of hormonotherapy and vitamin therapy over (or used as adjuvant therapeutic agents) more aggressive methods, such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy or surgery; and hormone-like substances, such as growth factors, interferons, interleukins, and prostoglandins. Also included is the newest information regarding the role of diet in cancer prevention. This book is packed with valuable information for researchers, physicians, and students of endrocrinology and clinical oncology. It is also the only book of its kind that discusses the role of hormones, hormone-like substances, and vitamins in cancer prevention and treatment.