Best Diet for Life: A Weigh to Health
This book is for information on my journey to health and weight loss. See your doctor before starting any health or weight loss plan. My mother, my four sisters, and I have been dieting for years. We have tried them all. Weight Watchers, Quick Weight Loss, HCG shots, Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem, Sugar Busters, and more. They all work. Eat healthy, exercise, and watch your portions. I realized that all the diets and everything I have read took me back to the basics. Everything I learned in school about a balanced nutritious meal is what I have to do. I had to go back to the basics. We are eating healthy now for health, energy, sharp mind, and many other reasons. Doing this brings about weight loss, health, energy, and I am off my blood pressure meds. I have always taken allergy shots or pills and recently I was tested and I am not allergic to anything. Yeah!