Hospital Perinatal Compliance Manual
Here's what you need to comply with the latest perinatal regulations. In Hospital Perinatal Compliance Manual, you get everything you need to stay in compliance: 1) Legal compliance questions and answers: Find the legal answers you need in seconds, including coverage of the latest issues in perinatal law and regulation. 2) Joint Commission survey questions and answers: Get inside guidance from colleagues who were surveyed under current standards. 3) Hospital accreditation standard analysis: Learn about the latest Joint Commission standards as they apply to perinatal departments, including new requirements issued for 2002. 4) Reference materials for perinatal compliance: All the tools you need to comply with perinatal-related regulations, laws, and accreditation standards, including forms, policies and procedures recently reviewed by the Joint Commission. Includes a diskette containing many of the forms, policies, procedures, and other documentation within the Reference Materials section.