Strengthening International Order; The Role of Asia-Europe Co-operation
Critical to the strengthening of the international order are the interfaces between international economic and security orders, the role of state sovereignty, and the new economic and social actors invoked by globalization. The United States as a hyper-state of the world has been the largest factor and actor in this field in recent decades. But as this Council for Asia-Europe Cooperation (CAEC) volume points out, it is essential that there be debate among Asian and European states concerning the nature of international order so that they too can contribute to the strengthening of international order.The authors delve into the emergence of international order by taking stock of its principles; looking at the agenda for its enhancement by focusing on the traditional political and security agendas, economic problems, and new security issues; and defining policy implications that arise from their analyses.Contributors include Zakaria Haji Ahmad (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia), Stuart Harris (Australian National University), Joachim Krause (Research Institute of the German Council on Foreign Relations), Kuik Cheng-Chwee (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia), Jean-Pierre Lehmann (International Institute for Management and Development, Switzerland), Hanns W. Maull (University of Trier), Roberto Menotti (Centre for International Political Studies, Rome), Simon Nuttall (College of Europe, Bruges), Ogata Shijuro (former deputy governor for international relations, Bank of Japan), Ferruccio Pastore (Centre for International Political Studies, Rome), John Roper (College of Europe, Bruges), Manuel Rosini (World Bank), Busadee Santipitaks (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Thailand), Gerald Segal, International Institute for Strategic Studies, London), Djisman S. Simandjuntak (Centre for Strategic and International Studies, Jakarta), Darmp Sukontasap (Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok), and Jusuf Wanandi (Centre for Strategic and International Studies, Jakarta).The Japan Center for International Exchange acts as the Asian secretariat for CAEC.