Academic and Administrative Executives. Volume - I
All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE) was initiated in 2011 during which data for the year 2010-11 was collected. The survey was utmost necessary as none of the source of data on Higher education was giving complete picture of higher education in the country. Also, there were many important parameters on which data is required for policy making but either no data was available or incomplete data was available. For the first time all the major Stakeholders in Higher Education such as University Grants Commissions, All India Council for Technical Education, Medical Council of India as well as State Governments participated in the data collection exercise. The entire survey was conducted through electronic mode and a dedicated portal was developed for the purpose, thus making the exercise completely paperless. The survey covered all the Institutions in the country engaged in imparting the higher education. Data is being collected on several parameters such as teachers, student enrolment, programmes, examination results, education finance, infrastructure etc. Indicators of educational development such as Institution Density, Gross Enrolment Ratio, Pupil Teacher Ratio, Gender Parity Index etc. are calculated from the data collected through AISHE. These are useful in making informed policy decisions and research for development of education sector.