Present world is witnessing drastic changes harshly impacting its bio-resources (plants, animals and organisms) that are considered as natural gift for our livelihood. Global warming, climate change, abiotic and biotic stresses are strangling and challenging the survivability of these resources. It is therefore crucial to manage these resources for making planet Earth more suitable to live. Moreover, there is an utter need to know how climate dynamic and biotic or abiotic factors are influencing on bio-resources and also to frame its sustainable management strategies. This book is the output of the research deliberations at 3rd International Conference on Bio-resource and Stress Management, India; and expert views on contemporary research and management issues in relation to bio-resources and its management. This timely needed uniquely written reference book consists of 29 well-crafted chapters on sustainable land, water and crop management, organic agriculture, climate change and crop productivity, stress management, bio-resource conservation, bio-fortification for nutritional security, agro-techniques, agro-forestry and forest resource management and waste management etc. which certainly will be of great use by the scientists, academician, researches, scholars, students, extension workers, corporate and NGO’s working in these aspects.