Cosmic Reawakening
The human body contains hundreds of concentrated energy center sites, which are referred to as chakras. In Sanskrit chakra signifies wheel. The chakras are centers of force, situated in the etheric body, through which we receive, transmit and process life energies. The chakras are the network through which the spirit and its 3 vehicles (physical, emotional and mental bodies) interact, integrating them all into one complete system. Although there are hundreds of chakras in the body, there are 7 major energy centers, corresponding to distinct aspects of our consciousness. Each chakra possesses its own individual characteristics and functions. As each chakra has a certain vibration, each associated organ, gland and color vibrates at a certain frequency too. Each chakra has a corresponding relationship to the organs, glands, colors and food. If a gland or organ is not functioning well, it hinders the corresponding chakra experience and vice-versa.