LLP Important Compliance (2nd/Second Edition)
This book came into existence after getting a survey that the Limited Liability Partnership Rules, 2008 have been in force since 2009 and after the few years of its establishment thousands of new LLP companies had been opened and came into action and many of the old traditional companies had also converted into LLPs very frequently. The result has been found from the survey is that, the beginners who are new to LLP facing number of obstacles to file annual returns and other amendments to their LLPs. Because the LLP structure is new for them as there are a number of aspects from which they are unaware, like what are the essential requirements to do e-filing, how we can fill the necessary forms, annual returns and what are the exact procedures and last dates to do so? This book will provide all the necessary and important compliance and information to the whole LLP community of India. It will cover each and every important Question relates to e-Forms, e-filing and mandatory procedures exemplify Change or Addition of Partners, amendment in Capital, change of name of the LLP or business activities, solvency, Mandatory annual returns etc. The contents of this book deal with all essential concepts of LLP Compliance and dedicates to the new entrepreneurs who have recently entered into the LLP world as well as for those who are already working as a Company secretary, Chartered Accountant and any person who deals with a number of activities that involved in the LLP e-filing on daily basis. The question and guidelines are taken from official website of Ministry of Corporate Affairs. This book will definitely help all as a reference guide to clear all the doubts and will provide the solutions that are necessary for running LLP entities in smooth manner without wasting time and money.