Physics for B.Sc. Students Semester II : MJ-2 | Electromagnetism - NEP 2020 Jharkhand Universities
This textbook has been designed to meet the needs of B.Sc. Second Semester students of Physics as per Common Minimum Syllabus prescribed for Ranchi University and other Universities and Colleges under the recommended National Education Policy 2020 in Jharkhand. The theory starts with Electric Field and Potential, Dielectric Properties of Matter, Magnetostatics, Electrical Circuits (A.C.), Ballistic Galvanometer, Maxwell's Equations, E.M. Wave Propagation in Unbounded Media, and Electro-Magnetic Wave (In Bounded Media). The practical part contains experiments such as Measurements and Random errors, Elastic constants, Acceleration due to Gravity, Coefficient of Viscosity by Poiseuille's Flow Method, Design and Use of a Multimeter, Low Resistance by Potentiometer, Comparison of Two Capacities by De' Sauty's Bridge, Study of Series LCR Circuits, Study of Parallel LCR Circuit. Oral questions are incorporated at the end of each experiment which are useful for Practical examination. These all are lucidly explained in this book.