Sabre Black
Who is Sabre Black? Well, she’s trying to figure that out. She knows she’s not into hugs, that’s for sure. It boils down to her identity, fighting the echoes of the past, chasing the dreams of her future, protecting the serahs from the cendars - all while standing up for what she knows is right - even in the face of her own family, and the fact that she is a cendar, the sworn enemy race of the serahs... And that’s only the beginning. Sabre Black is about a teen growing into adulthood. Filled with epic battles, blurred lines between good and evil, the failures of the past haunting the potential successes of the future, overcoming what seems like insurmountable odds to keep the balance of not only the law of the land between North and South Andoren, but also her family, her life, and ultimately, her own mind.