Residential Water Use, Rate, Revenue, and Nonprice Conservation Program Database
This report describes and contains the information and database developed for the research study Effectiveness of Residential Water Conservation Price and Nonprice Programs (Michelsen, McGuckin and Stumpf 1998). The water demand, price and conservation program information documented in this report is the result of research and data collection efforts and utility cooperation initiated in 1991 by William Bruvold and continued by the researchers of this report through a consortium of universities. The study encompasses seven water utilities in three western states- California, Colorado and New Mexico. The information gathered, developed and refined for this study was digitized and a database created in spreadsheet format for analysis. Database structure, variable names, definitions, computational adjustments and study area characteristics are described in this report. Water demand model descriptions and analysis results of this research are presented in another publication of the AWWA Research Foundation by Michelsen, McGuckin and Stumpf (1998) entitled Effectiveness of Residential Water Conservation Price and Nonprice Programs.