History of Saudi Arabia & Wahabism
At present, the world views Muslims as terrorists and Islam a religion of tyranny especially after 9/11. Thereafter, to my surprise the killing of Muslims right in the mosques and public places around the Muslim countries has become every day affair which I never heard in my life earlier. While so many sects like Wahabi, Qadiyani, Bahai, Ahmadi, Parvezi and many others emerged in the course of past two hundred years through the efforts of Britain. The most cruel and dangerous among them is Wahabi sect formed by Muhammad bin Abdul Wahab Najdi of Saudi Arabia, which declared whoever does not follow them among Muslims, taking their lives, property and their wives is permissible. King Abdul Azeez Ibn e Saud formed armed group by name “Ikhwan” who mercilessly killed thousands of Muslims in Najad. They killed even women, children and old at Taif and throw their dead bodies on the hills. They flattened the graves of the family of Holy Prophet and his companions in the grave yards of Makkah and Madinah. I got serious in finding out the cause of this bloody change and I happened to read the book “Tareekh Najad O Hijaz” written in Urdu language. The book also gives the details about Wahabism. So I translated this book in English and named it “History of Saudi Arabia and Wahabism”. The regime of Saudi Arabia is spending billions of dollars to spread Wahabism in Muslim countries as per http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wahhabi_movement Holy Book Quran in the Verse 5:8 says in this regard: "O ye who believe! Stand out firmly for God Almighty Allah, as witnesses to fair dealing, and let not the hatred of others to you make you swerve to wrong and depart from justice. Be just: that is next to piety: and fear Allah. For Allah is well-acquainted with all that ye do" May God Almighty Guide Muslims towards Straight Path and Salvation. Amen.