Thermodynamics of Flowing Systems
This much-needed monograph presents a systematic, step-by-step approach to the continuum modeling of flow phenomena exhibited within materials endowed with a complex internal microstructure, such as polymers and liquid crystals. By combining the principles of Hamiltonian mechanics with those of irreversible thermodynamics, Antony N. Beris and Brian J. Edwards, renowned authorities on the subject, expertly describe the complex interplay between conservative and dissipative processes. Throughout the book, the authors emphasize the evaluation of the free energy--largely based on ideas from statistical mechanics--and how to fit the values of the phenomenological parameters against those of microscopic models. With Thermodynamics of Flowing Systems in hand, mathematicians, engineers, and physicists involved with the theoretical study of flow behavior in structurally complex media now have a superb, self-contained theoretical framework on which to base their modeling efforts.