Periodico di Mineralogia Vol. 82, 3 december 2013
Raffaella De Luca, Miguel Angel Cau Ontiveros, Domenico Miriello, Alessandra Pecci, Emilia Le Pera, Andrea Bloise and Gino Mirocle Crisci, Archaeometric study of mortars and plasters from the Roman City of Pollentia (Mallorca - Balearic Islands) Fabio Fratini, Andrea Cagnini, Simone Porcinai, Paola Lorenzi and Stefano Pasolini, An unusual mortar with a magnesium binder in the Perseus of Giovan Battista Pieratti in Boboli Gardens (Florence) Alessandra Pecci, Almost ten years of plasters residue analysis in Italy: activity areas and the function of structures Cristiana Nunes, Zuzana Slížková and Dana Křivánková, Lime-based mortars with linseed oil: sodium chloride resistance assessment and characterization of the degraded material Maria Elena Moschella, Walter Canavesio, Mariano Cristellotti and Emanuele Costa, Investigation about ancient mortars and plasters in the Mondovì cathedral (Cuneo, Italy) Vincenzina La Spina, Fabio Fratini, Emma Cantisani, Camilla Mileto and Fernando Vegas López-Manzanares, The ancient gypsum mortars of the historical façades in the city center of Valencia (Spain) Alessandra Bonazza, Chiara Ciantelli, Alessandro Sardella, Elena Pecchioni, Orlando Favoni, Irene Natali and Cristina Sabbioni, Characterization of hydraulic mortars from archaeological complexes in Petra Letizia Bonizzoni, Valentina Brunello and Simone Caglio, Scientific analyses beyond the excavation: studies for a non invasive preliminary approach Rossella Agostino, Germana Barone, Paolo Mazzoleni, Simona Raneri, Giuseppe Sabatino and Maria Maddalena Sica, Mortars and plasters from the Bruttii - Roman city of Taureana (Palmi, RC, Italy) - preliminary data Deodato Tapete, Fabio Fratini, Barbara Mazzei, Emma Cantisani and Elena Pecchioni, Petrographic study of lime-based mortars and carbonate incrustation processes of mural paintings in Roman catacombs Nadia Bianco, Angela Calia, Giampiero Denotarpietro and Pietro Negro, Hydraulic mortar and problems related to the suitability for restoration Sergio Sfrecola, Stefano Vassallo and Paola Parodi, Genoese “intonachino” plasters between the 12th and the 18th century: archaeometric analyses Claudia Pelosi, Ulderico Santamaria, Giorgia Agresti, Giulia De Vivo and Davide Bandera, Analysis and laboratory tests to evaluate the composition and the behaviour of some dehumidifying mortars used in the restoration field