The Legend of Bohemian Glass
In this book, Antonín Langhamer brings to life the whole depth and breadth of Czech glass achievement. The book covers its entire history, not only artistic, but technical, economic and commercial. His exhaustive glossary at the back is more than just a place to look up terms, but an illuminating narrative on every aspect of glass, from ancient times to the present. The work is illustrated with lush photographs created by outstanding photographers who specialise in capturing the breathtaking beauty unique to glass. In Langhamer's narratives on early times, readers will find fascinating parallels with the behaviour of modern people, nations and industries. Despite its early origins, Bohemian glass took considerable time to reach prominence. Beginning in obscurity, Bohemian glassmakers produced wares that for a long time were good, but not exceptional. Bohemia's history has been turbulent, and readers can draw inspiration from the ingenuity and persistence of those glassmakers who succeeded against overwhelming odds. While World War II was raging, in the midst of shortages of every imaginable material and fuel, a Czech entrepreneur built himself a little glass furnace. Raw materials were hard to come by, so he made do by re-melting crushed bottles. This book is full of many stories of human valour and weakness, the development of technical and artistic marvels, legal harassment, sex discrimination, industrial espionage, and the triumph of ambition over adversity. But it also tells of ordinary people doing their ordinary work throughout their ordinary lives, and thereby achieving something magnificent. Glass affects everyone's life, and everyone's life, in some small way, affects the evolution of glass. Readers will never see glass in the same way again.