For Men Only
"Life traumatically continues to distort impressions of what it takes to be a "Man," or what are the necessary tools that absolutely DO NOT get passed on from the legacies of Fathers to Sons, which can better prepare those already Adult Men and most importantly, our Young Adult Males preparing for the trials of manhood. This is definitely NOT your typical self-help book, as it combines brutally blunt honesty in at times, humorous male terms, demonstrating unique male confidence-building- techniques, without that touchy-feely, let's all stand in a big circle and sing Kumbaya approach..." the author Anthony T. Edwards explains. "FOR MEN ONLY: The Man, The Controlling Factor" delivers an extraordinary message concerning male personal growth, while covering critical issues for men and young adult males, within a language that they'll understand and can apply immediately, with focus on addressing communication skills, self-improvement, abuse, esteem, confidence, relationSTRESS, fatherhood, and professional growth. AND WHAT ABOUT THE WOMEN? This easily read book will likewise appeal to women who want to better understand why men behave the way they do in relationships, during intimacy, parenting..., as they come to realize the benefits of male insight. MOST IMPORTANTLY, women who are working to raise a son will find this as an enlightening guide, full of Fatherly Advice, as the material articulates the male perspective, and suggests ways to improve young adult thinking, on adult expectations, fears, trials of manhood, the responsibility, trust, and love to a good woman, and that necessary sex education talk with our Young Adults. At times... Being lost, is the closest way to finding one's self "