Individual Retirement Account Answer Book
Individual Retirement Account Answer Book provides clear, concise explanations, numerous examples, and comprehensive coverage of the issues involved in advising clients about investing in traditional IRAs, Roth IRAs, SIMPLE IRAs, SEP IRAs, and Coverdell ESAs. It is an all-in-one guide that covers virtually every IRA issue youand’re likely to encounter. Individual Retirement Account Answer Bookand’s practical Qandamp;A format provides you with: Answers to virtually every IRA question Explanations of IRA reporting and disclosure requirements Strategies for tax, estate, and retirement planning Guidelines for establishing traditional and Roth IRAs, SIMPLEs, SEPs, and Coverdell ESAs Practice pointers, examples, calculations, and worksheets Conformity of state tax laws and federal tax law governing qualified charitable distributions, qualified distributions for hurricane relief, and qualified reservist distributions And much more!