The Legend of the Royal Blue Mounties
In the 1800s, when Alaska was still a territory, many came for the gold, abundant fisheries, and the fur trade—but some came to swindle, to take advantage, and prey on the innocent. Yukon was Canadian, Alaska was U.S. The two territories were intertwined, and dependent on one another. When circumstances dictated, men of a more Nobel character than most, took it upon themselves to make Right. Maintain The Right—a Canadian North West Mounted Police motto, also became known in Alaska. Some writers of history, have a tradition, an intent, to purposely slant truth, to portray certain characters or events in a more favorable light, or simply to hide the facts. They tend to treat the common man as though he didn't exist. Unmentioned are the true heroes, those who do not seek fame, but simply live their lives with purpose, then fade away, forgotten in time. In keeping with that tradition, I have inserted my characters into true events. Some historical figures you will readily recognize, others will surprise you. Locations still exist and can be visited today, Fort Whoop-Up in Alberta Canada, and the Davidson Ditch, north of Fairbanks are fine examples.