Virgin Mary the Mother
See, I may not know you that much but I know something about you. I know that you are extraordinary and cable of loving beyond human comprehension. I know you will demand respect for the woman that carried you in her womb for nine months, suckled you and see you grow up when she could have aborted or killed you in your infancy. I know you will demand respect for your wife. I know you will demand respect for your daughters and even your grand daughters. You will let no one insult your sisters or take them for granted. How many times have I caught you singing the praises of your mother, wife, daughters, grand daughters and sisters? I even saw and heard you vigorously defending the dignity of your mother, wife, daughters, sisters and other female relations of yours.I am sure you will not mind if I ask you for a little favour here. Please, let us extend this honour, respect and love to everyone. You are made of Love. Yes! I mean extend love to everyone even if you do not know anything or much about them. No matter who they are, where they come from, what they do or have done, love them. Going by what I know about you, I know you can do beyond and above what I have pleaded with you: you are a child of Love. Again, please let one of these persons that you owe respect, love, and honour include the Most Blessed Virgin Mary. Even if you do not know much about her, please remember these at least: she is the mother of Jesus Christ. How did she conceive Him? She conceived Him through the power of the Holy Spirit overshadowing her. Hence, we can call her the spouse of the Holy Spirit. You are born again, aren't you? Your new birth is also through the power of the Holy Spirit, do you get it? Jesus Christ, her Son, is your brother. Eternal Father is her Father and your Father too. Please tell me what you think: does she deserve your respect, honour and love or not? Think about it!Always bear this in mind: Anyone who honours their mother is like someone amassing a fortune. If anyone who blesses Abraham becomes blessed, how about anyone who blesses the mother who suckled Jesus Christ? Divine Injunction- LoveSt. Paul moved by the Holy Spirit enjoined us thus: "Pattern yourselves after me [follow my examples], as I imitate and follow Christ (the Messiah)." While imitating and following Christ what are some of the things Christ did that the apostles and other disciples imitated in relation to Mary? Do we need to do the same and why? This is part of our reflection in this book. If the Holy Spirit expects us to imitate the examples of the apostles and disciples, what about the examples of Christ Jesus? What are some of the examples of Christ Jesus in relation to Mary? What are the benefits of following such examples? Read this book and see for yourself and share with others too. Hence St. Paul said: "For you yourselves know how it is necessary to imitate our example . . ." We also received this divine injunction: "Therefore be imitators of God [copy Him and follow His example], as well-beloved children [imitate their father]." What is the attitude of the Eternal Father towards Virgin Mary? What is the attitude of the Eternal Son, Jesus Christ, our Saviour, Friend and Brother towards Blessed Virgin Mary? What is the attitude of the Holy Spirit, our Advocate, Him who gives us new birth, towards Virgin Mary? "Beloved, do not imitate evil, but imitate good . . ."