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Survive to Thrive
Survive to Thrive
Survive to Thrive is a short story by author Anthony J. Watts and he tells you in parallel through the significance of teachings how he was a victor in society through overcoming the feelings of being a physical and emotionally victim to his environments. He began to believe deeply in God and the universe as he endured many egregious situations. Anthony J. Watts allowed his positivity, faith, and beliefs to help him display healing and self-courage while attending one of Indiana's top universities, Indiana University South Bend, while living in a homeless shelter and committing to his studies. Anthony J. Watts also entails how, before college, he was suddenly struck by the shock of having a brain aneurysm, shaking away his old life as he was suddenly open to the new life before him.Author, leader, and mentor Anthony J. Watts fully understands that situations in life happen for you to learn and grow from them.
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Everyone would love to get done with their "to do" list of things in record time. Everyone would just love to focus on a resolution to their problem instead of adding on more problems to the problem at hand. The book focus is a great step that is equipped with intelligent working methods that have worked for millions and are now placed into words by the author Anthony J. Watts. No matter what situation you are in I can guarantee that the steps provided in focus will provide a solid way to overcome any obstacle and totally conquer any task.
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The Politics of the Presidency
The Politics of the Presidency
Trace the opening rounds of the Trump administration: highlighting the 2016 election, transition, inauguration, and first one hundred days. Never losing sight of the foundations of the office, The Politics of the Presidency maintains a balance between historical context, the current political environment, and contemporary scholarship on the executive branch, providing a solid foundation for any presidency course. In addition to offering readers a comprehensive framework for understanding the expectations, powers, and limitations of the executive branch, the Revised Ninth Edition uses the most up-to-date coverage and analysis of the 2016 election and Trump administration to demonstrate key concepts. New to the Revised Ninth Edition A new chapter dedicated to the Trump transition and first one hundred days examines important topics such as the immigration ban and other executive orders; efforts at deregulation; the targeted military strikes in Syria; and the war on the intelligence community and the deconstruction of the administrative state. Recent congressional relations analyzed, including the confirmation of Supreme Court justice Neil Gorsuch after Senate Republicans employed the "nuclear option" and took away the opportunity to filibuster Supreme Court nominees; efforts to repeal and replace Obamacare; fiscal 2017 and 2018 budget negotiations; and congressional investigations of the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia, his firing of FBI director James Comey, and the appointment of a special counsel in the matter. An assessment of the public presidency reviews Trump’s approval ratings, communications strategies, and media coverage. Discussions of Trump’s leadership challenges in a polarized age explain the difficulties of unifying a nation after a bitter election, launching an administration, and structuring the executive branch.
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Behold Your King
Behold Your King
This book investigates the nature of the hope for the house of David in the final form of the book of Zechariah. It focuses particularly on the following themes: the roles of Joshua and Zerubbabel; the nature and identity of the Shoot; the coming King; the Shepherd; and the Pierced One. It challenges the scholarly consensus, going back to the thesis of Julius Wellhausen, that the high priest took over the role and prerogatives of the pre-exilic monarch in the early post-exilic period. Instead, Zechariah merely envisages Joshua the high priest being reinstated to the temple duties that were undertaken before the exile. Furthermore, Zechariah does not identify Zerubbabel as the promised future Davidic king ("Shoot"). Rather, Zechariah demonstrates a hope for the restoration of a Davidic king who will have a key role in temple building after the time of Zerubbabel. The belief that Zechariah 9-11 and 12-14 are oracles that seek to reinterpret prophecies that have become problematic is also challenged. There is no strong evidence that the hope for the house of David in Zechariah 9-14 contradicts the presentation of Zechariah 1-8. This thesis shows how these later chapters continue and develop many of the themes related to the Davidic hope in Zechariah 1-8. The picture of the Davidic hope that emerges from the book of Zechariah is consistent with the expectations of earlier prophets and confirms that the book, when read as a whole, provides a strong impetus for later messianism in the post-exilic period.
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Picturing Black New Orleans
Picturing Black New Orleans
The visual legacy of Florestine Perrault Collins, who documented African American life in New Orleans Florestine Perrault Collins (1895-1988) lived a fascinating and singular life. She came from a Creole family that had known privileges before the Civil War, privileges that largely disappeared in the Jim Crow South. She learned photographic techniques while passing for white. She opened her first studio in her home, and later moved her business to New Orleans’s Black business district. Fiercely independent, she ignored convention by moving out of her parents’ house before marriage and, later, by divorcing her first husband.  Between 1920 and 1949, Collins documented African American life, capturing images of graduations, communions, and recitals, and allowing her subjects to help craft their images. She supported herself and her family throughout the Great Depression and in the process created an enduring pictorial record of her particular time and place. Collins left behind a visual legacy that taps into the social and cultural history of New Orleans and the South.  It is this legacy that Arthé Anthony, Collins's great-niece, explores in Picturing Black New Orleans. Anthony blends Collins's story with those of the individuals she photographed, documenting the profound changes in the lives of Louisiana Creoles and African Americans. Balancing art, social theory, and history and drawing from family records, oral histories, and photographs rescued from New Orleans in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, Anthony gives us a rich look at the cultural landscape of New Orleans nearly a century ago.  Publication of the paperback edition made possible by a Sustaining the Humanities through the American Rescue Plan grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities.
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Greater Medieval Houses of England and Wales, 1300–1500: Volume 3, Southern England
Greater Medieval Houses of England and Wales, 1300–1500: Volume 3, Southern England
This is the third volume of Anthony Emery's magisterial survey, Greater Medieval Houses of England and Wales, 1300–1500, first published in 2006. Across the three volumes Emery has examined afresh and re-assessed over 750 houses, the first comprehensive review of the subject for 150 years. Covered are the full range of leading homes, from royal and episcopal palaces to manor houses, as well as community buildings such as academic colleges, monastic granges and secular colleges of canons. This volume surveys Southern England and is divided into three regions, each of which includes a separate historical and architectural introduction as well as thematic essays prompted by key buildings. The text is complemented throughout by a wide range of plans and diagrams and a wealth of photographs showing the present condition of almost every house discussed. This is an essential source for anyone interested in the history, architecture and culture of medieval England and Wales.
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Membranes and Transport
Membranes and Transport
This work is a collection of short reviews on membranes and transport. It portrays the field as a mosaic of bright little pieces, which are interesting in themselves but gain full signif icance when viewed as a whole. Traditional boundaries are set aside and biochemists, biophysicists, physiologists, and cell biologists enter into a natural discourse. The principal motivation of this work was to ease the problems of communication that arose from the explosive growth and interdisciplinary character of membrane research. In these volumes we hope to provide a readily available comprehensive source of critical information covering many of the exciting, recent developments on the structure, biosyn thesis, and function of biological membranes in microorganisms, animal cells, and plants. The 182 reviews contributed by leading authorities should enable experts to check up on recent developments in neighboring areas of research, allow teachers to organize material for membrane and transport courses, and give advanced students the opportunity to gain a broad view of the topic. Special attention was given to developments that are expected to open new areas of investigation. The result is a kaleidoscope of facts, viewpoints, theories, and techniques, which radiates the excitement of this important field. Publication of these status reports every few years should enable us to follow progress in an interesting and easygoing format. I am grateful to the authors, to Plenum Publishing Corporation, and to several of my colleagues for their thoughtful suggestions and enthusiastic cooperation, which made this work possible.
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The Chemical Analysis of Water
The Chemical Analysis of Water
Information requirements of measurement programmes; Sampling; Basic problems and aims of sampling; Time and frequency of sampling; Overall design of sampling programmes; Procedures for obtaining samples of waters; Preparation, transport, storage, and stability of samples; The nature and importance of errors in analytical results; Random error; Systematic error; Accuracy; Effects of errors on decision making; Need to estimate analytical errors; Estimation and control of the Bias of analytical results; Detailed consideration and assessment of individual sources of Bias; Assessment of the overall Bias of analytical results; Estimation and control of the precision of analytical results; Model of Random errors; Achievement of specified accuracy by a group of laboratories; Types of inter-laboratory studies; Reporting analytical results; Reporting results close to the lower concentration limit of an analytical system; The selection of analytical methods; General precautions in water-analysis laboratories; Analytical techniques; Automatic and on-line analysis; Computers in water analysis; The scope for computing in water analysis and related activities.
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