CCNA 200-301 Exam Cram
CCNA 200-301 Exam Cram, Sixth Edition This is the eBook version of the print title. Note that the eBook does not provide access to the practice test software that accompanies the print book. CCNA 200-301 Exam Cram, Sixth Edition is the perfect study guide to help you pass the Cisco 200-301 CCNA exam, providing coverage and practice questions for every exam topic. The book contains an extensive set of preparation tools, including topic overviews, exam alerts, Cram Savers, Cram Quizzes, chapter-ending review questions, author notes and tips, Packet Tracer labs, and an extensive glossary. The book also contains the extremely useful Cram Sheet tear-out: a collection of essential facts in an easy to review format. Covers the critical information you’ll need to know to score higher on your CCNA exam! Understand networking fundamentals concepts, including network components, network topology architectures, physical interfaces and cabling types, TCP and UDP, wireless principals, switching concepts, and virtualization fundamentals Master IPv4 addressing and subnetting and configure IPv6 Configure and verify VLANs, interswitch connectivity, and Layer 2 discovery protocols Describe Rapid PVST+ Spanning Tree Protocol Compare Cisco Wireless Architectures and AP Modes Configure and verify IPv4 and IPv6 static routing and single area OSPF Understand DHCP, DNS, and other networking services like SNMP, syslog, SSH, and TFTP/FTP Configure and verify inside source NAT and NTP Enable security technologies including device access control, site-to-site and remote access VPNs, ACLs, Layer 2 security features, and wireless security protocols Understand how automation impacts network management, controller-based and software defined architectures, and Cisco DNA Center enabled device management Understand network programmability concepts, including characteristics of REST-based APIs (CRUD, HTTP verbs, and data encoding), configuration management mechanisms such as Puppet, Chef, and Ansible, and learn to Interpret JSON encoded data COMPANION WEBSITE The companion website provides access to several digital assets including the Glossary, hands-on Packet Tracer lab, the command reference and Cram Sheet. CCNA 200-301 Exam Cram, Sixth Edition Companion Website Access interactive study tools on this book’s companion website, including the Glossary, Packet Tracer lab files, Command Reference, and Cram Sheet To access the companion website, simply follow these steps: 1. Go to 2. Enter the print book ISBN: 9780136632887. 3. Answer the security question to validate your purchase. 4. Go to your account page. 5. Click on the Registered Products tab. 6. Under the book listing, click on the Access Bonus Content link. If you have any issues accessing the companion website, you can contact our support team by going to