The Principles of Causal Conspiracy (book 1)
Is there a supreme principle that governs and unifies all things? Have you heard of the new scientific theory that has unified science and creationism? The Principles of Causal Conspiracy exposes new frontiers in science, mathematics, logic and the mind. It reveals the inner workings of the universe in a simple mathematical and scientific theory that explains the existence of space and time, fundamental particles, black holes, the Big Bang, the forces of nature, miracles, spirituality, divinity and creationism. Is it possible that we have found the ultimate unification of science, mathematics and religion? The Principles of Causal Conspiracy reveals a deep and beautiful link between mathematics, string theory, the Riemann Hypothesis, quantum physics, logic, the human mind and creationism. Michael Mark Anthony has written two books (book one and two) that give readers a whole new perspective on the controversial link between science and religion. In book one, Michael Mark Anthony reveals a new theoretical framework for unification of science, mathematics, the mind, and deism. The new theory touches all known subjects, including religion, quantum theory and cosmology. Book two reveals a deep link between Cosmology, Black holes, the Big Bang, Quantum theory, String theory, and Mathematics.