Journals from My Father
Imagine having a teacher who was with you all of the time, was able to give you lessons every day on what you should or shouldn't do in life. Imagine that teacher was able to point you in your life's direction. Imagine that it was the Christ, the Great Teacher from 2000 years ago. In this book Paul Anthony Cooper states that he is not making any claims about certain things or experiences. He just tells you as it happened. What he has done and experienced cannot be taken away from him. You may ask 'prove it to me scientifically'. His answer is that he can't. You will have to go through the experience yourself. The writings in two journals were channelled through to Paul Anthony, over forty years ago but never published. He is taking the opportunity to do that now. They were typed on his Dad's old typewriter. The paper that they were written on is now yellow and discoloured, however the words are still as clear as when they were written. It was amazing the way the writings started. He started writing in verse, spiritual style writings. For the first page he felt that his hand was being controlled, but after that anything that was received came through inspirationally. The writings were thoughts and instructions that were coming through to instruct Paul Anthony on his spiritual pathway. Many of the words and expressions that were used were not words or expressions that he would normally use. Most of the time he did not have to think. However he maintains that it was inspirational writing rather than automatic. The reason why the writings started to come through were because he had asked to be shown the way, the spiritual way. He had said that he was ready to follow the Christ, wherever He led. He was ready to serve. Each time he sat down to write, Paul Anthony said that he felt a cloak around his shoulders. He felt a warm feeling on his back and he knew he was not alone. This writing went on for about 6 months, almost every night and over 300 pages were produced, hence two journals being written and published. You will have to make up your own mind about the truth and veracity of these writings. Paul Anthony Cooper invites you to read this journal and journal number 2, when it is published later in October 2013. These journals will produce food for thought on a large scale. They will challenge many of your ideas about religion and spirituality. e.g. He states that Jesus did not found Christianity, nor was He a Christian. It was his followers or their followers hundreds of years later that started the Church as we know it today. Journey with Paul Anthony Cooper on his spiritual journey and see the experiences that he went through in the six months that the writings were channelled through. Keep an open mind, accept what you can and put aside what you can't. Whatever you discover it will be thought-provoking. For those who are seeking, this journal and the author's first book 'Walk the Pathway to Spirituality' are must reads.