The Rule of 8%
Welcome to my twelfth book! Most folks are impressed to find I'm a published author, but the publishing world has transformed like many things these last few years. Having a book published is not that big of a deal. If you like this one, you can find my other books on I hope you find my stories and ideas helpful. Most are written early morning and have some tie to a recent event or thought. I've always written for myself, but with the amount of content that comes from my mind, I finally thought, "why not share?" I now call my daily writings, Word Soup. I publish daily on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and I have a small email group that gets my daily soup in their inbox. I have enough content for ten more books, and I add to that every morning. If you like my work, tell your friends and family; if you don't like my work, keep your comments to yourself. No need to push your negative thoughts on others. Thanks for allowing me to share a little of me with you!5:31 a.m., coffee is dark and luxurious, the fireplace is burning to my right, and I have a front-row seat to the sun rising, the sky is pink. Welcome to my morning word soup, where an aging white guy tells you what he's thinking. I do this daily, have been doing it for a few years, some like my word soup whilst others are angered by my messages. But I don't mind those that are angered; they are spending energy on things that might be better directed for good. I no longer get angry; I let go of that emotion long ago. I choose to love and embrace all that exists: the good, the bad, the ugly, the marginalized parts of our world. Anger is a wasted emotion. I do have some fans, people that enjoy my soup. I like those folks, their feedback, input, corrections when I make a mistake; there are a lot of kind people in this world. I choose to lean into the kind folks and appreciate those that have less than a favorable view of myself and my work. I'm not for everyone, and neither are you. I've written before about my 8% rule. I think that I'm a fit for about 8% of the population, the other 92% for various reasons don't connect with me or my views, and that is fine. Imagine walking into a room with 100 people; eight will fit your tribe, the other 92 will be lukewarm at best; but those eight, wow, you and those eight people can change the world. Can I share that this sunrise this morning is a gift? I mean something bigger than myself is giving me a show that is better than any movie; it's like a painting in action. I am writing a paragraph and then stopping and taking in this masterpiece. Excuse me while I watch the sun make her first appearance. If you don't know, I live in paradise with a Queen. I live on top of a mountain, I'm blessed, lucky and don't think I'll be leaving here any time soon. I am open to travel, but my Queen is on the cautious side, she makes our rules, I simply follow. Her rule is not to get on a plane until the end of July; woe is me, I'm stuck with a beautiful woman on top of a mountain. Add me to the prayer chain, please. Be Kind.